Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.
Santo Domingo has several firsts in the Americas, such as: first Spanish city in America, first mass and first city hall in the New World (in La Isabela), first cathedral of America, first vice royal palace, first town hall that operates from the colony, first hospital, first tower keep, first building of the Royal Houses, first university, and first contracting house.
A GFDD/Funglode publication for light reading, both in English and Spanish, that offers a quick and fresh take on the main features of Dominicanness, and the country’s cultural and natural endowments, all from a modern and innovative perspective that’s easy to understand, with an emphasis on intriguing and little-known details.
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Comprised of 400 aerial images, the book is divided into 9 chapters – Reflections of Light, Coasts, Heights, Plains, History, City, People, Tourism and Work – containing text pertaining to various aspects of the country’s history, culture, environment and contemporary life. It has become a point of reference for the national population, visitors, students, art and photography aficionados, the numerous Dominicans that reside outside the country and all those interested in a better understanding of the Dominican Republic.
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This book is an A-Z guide on the environment and natural resources of the Dominican Republic. It contains 712 terms defined with the most up-to-date and comprehensive information, and is illustrated with 700 photos, 58 tables, 123 figures, which are complemented by 17 scientific articles on environmental challenges and conservation methods. The Dictionary seeks to increase understanding of the dangers of environmental degradation, while promoting respect, care and concern for the country’s natural resources, their protection and sustainable use.
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