(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Ortiz Heading for a Dominican Guinness Record Santo Domingo, February 17th, 2015 Considered one of the ten best programmers in the world in 2010, Olson Ortiz has now set himself a new goal: to be the first Dominican Guinness Record of Blind Chess. Olson Ortiz is a renowned professor at the PUCMM University, who began … Continue reading "Ortiz Heading for a Dominican Guinness Record"
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UNIBE and the Tourism Cluster of Puerto Plata Signed a Cooperation Agreement Puerto Plata, February 17th, 2015 Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) signed a cooperation agreement with the Tourism Cluster of the Puerto Plata Destination (CTDPP for its acronym in Spanish), an umbrella organization that brings together entities that have an impact on the development of the … Continue reading "UNIBE and the Tourism Cluster of Puerto Plata Signed a Cooperation Agreement"
The Ministry of Culture Informs that 260 Troupes will Participate in the National Carnival Parade 2015 Santo Domingo, February 17th, 2015 The Ministry of Culture (MINC), through the Office of Cultural Management and Carnival, has announced the classification and chronological order of the 260 troupes and characters that will participate in the traditional National Carnival … Continue reading "The Ministry of Culture Informs that 260 Troupes will Participate in the National Carnival Parade 2015"
Call for the Sixth Living Statues Festival Santo Domingo – Baní 2015 is Announced Santo Domingo, February 14th, 2015 William Liriano and Claudia Lizardo, Cultural Managers of the Sixth National Living Statues Festival, which is held each year during the month of August, announced that the invitation to participate in the sixth edition of the … Continue reading "Call for the Sixth Living Statues Festival Santo Domingo – Baní 2015 is Announced"
Conexión Exhibit Opened at the Museum of Modern Art Santo Domingo, February 13th, 2015 The Ministry of Culture, through the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), and in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States of America, the Falcondo Foundation and the Altos de Chavón Foundation Cultural Center, opened the exhibition “Conexión” (Connection), by artists … Continue reading "Conexión Exhibit Opened at the Museum of Modern Art"
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“Passion Kiss” is Chef Jay Rodríguez’s Dish for Valentine’s Day New York, February 11th, 2015 To celebrate Valentine’s Day, renowned international Chef Jay Rodríguez is offering his latest recipe to the public in general. “Passion Kiss” is a dish for lovers; it is made with the finest and healthiest ingredients that modern cuisine has to … Continue reading "”Passion Kiss” is Chef Jay Rodríguez’s Dish for Valentine’s Day"
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Spain’s Film Academy Praises the Dominican Republic’s Film Law Madrid, Spain, February 9th, 2015 At the 2015 Goya Awards gala, which took place on the evening of Saturday, February 7, 2015, the President of the Spanish Film Academy, Enrique González Macho, at the end of his usual address at the ceremony, praised the implementation of … Continue reading "Spain’s Film Academy Praises the Dominican Republic’s Film Law"
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