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Labor Minister Calls International Job and Training Forum Engine of the Future

Labor Minister Calls International Job and Training Forum Engine of the Future

Labor Minister Calls International Job and Training Forum Engine of the Future
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 3/16/2013

Labor Minister Maritza Hernández,began the activity with a keynote speech in which she stressed the importance of job training, employment and its impact on the wellbeing of society. She stressed that the national employment policy is and should be the center of public policies of a state that aspires to provide quality of life and buying power of goods and services to its citizens, which can only be done with decent jobs.

In her conference, the Minister stated that this first forum is a magnificent opportunity to cover ideas and projects that can improve the employment rate and the quality of work.

In her conference, the Minister stated that this first forum is a magnificent opportunity to cover ideas and projects that can improve the employment rate and the quality of work.

During her speech, she said it is undisputable that countries with advanced skills and training have better employability. “Those countries that regularly train their workers are more productive and efficient, that is, they are truly the engines of social wellbeing.”

The objectives of this International Job and Training Forum include raising awareness on the importance of good training systems which should be competitive and open to evaluation; to promote the training and employment of women and young adults between 24 and 35 years of age.

Other organizations participating in the forum included the Institute for Quality Teaching Spain-Dominican and Core, the consulting company representing experts from Spain and Columbia; Enrique Castillejo Gómez, President of the Institutefor Quality Education; Juan Carbonell, an expert in self-employment;Leonardo Cárdenas, who specializes in Marketing for workers; José Vicente Cortes, a specialists in Public Administrations and Concha Castillejo, consultant and executive of Core.

The Forum attracted a full house of people attending from the business sector, the syndicates, cooperatives, small and medium businesses, ministries and government agencies.

Labor Minister Calls International Job and Training Forum Engine of the Future

Labor Minister Calls International Job and Training Forum Engine of the Future


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