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Culture and Education present awards for the “Dominicanidad” competition

Culture and Education present awards for the “Dominicanidad” competition

Culture and Education present awards for the “Dominicanidad” competition
Santo Domingo, June 26, 2014

The ministries of Culture and Education, in coordination with the Narciso González Cultural Center and Regional 15, presented the awards to the winners of the “Concursos por la Dominicanidad” (Competitions on the Dominican national identity). The competitions included the following categories: Poema a mi Patria”, “2do. Rally-careo Histórico por la Democracia, Libertad e Identidad” and “Los aportes de Narciso González a la Cultura” in the essay category.

The winning students in the Rally-careo category are: Abel Andújar, Alan Agramonte, Roberto Genao, Mariel Lugo and Lisbet Manzueta, from the Cardenal Sancha Polytechnic in Cristo Rey; Eliezer Abdia Cruz and Lesly Martínez who attend the Luis Encarnación Nolazco Polytechnic in Villa Consuelo.

Meanwhile, the following students won awards in the poetry category: Nicolás Eduardo Gallardo Gómez, Natalia Simó Fiallo, Arantza Crúz Marión-Landais and Paul Alexander Salcedo Mota, from the International School Educational Center. An award in the essay category was presented to Ángela Minerva Camilo Then, who attends the Virgen de la Altagracia Polytechnic in Villa Duarte.

The jury was composed of William Mejía, former director of the Literary Workshops of the Ministry of Culture; Francisco Hilario, member of the Duartian Institute; and, María Elena Muñoz and José Antonio Martínez, of the Dominican Academy of History.

The “Dominicanidad Competitions” is an interdepartmental initiative between the ministries of Culture and Education. Its objective is to contribute to the creation of a cultural citizenship by promoting the concepts of knowledge, historical values, and intellectual development in children and young adults.
Prior to the presentation of the awards, the public were entertained with a happening show that integrated historical themes, rap and hip-hop. The show performers were the R70 Criw and The Clave One groups.

Cultura y Educación entregan premios de concurso por la dominicanidad Cultura y Educación entregan premios de concurso por la dominicanidad Cultura y Educación entregan premios de concurso por la dominicanidad Cultura y Educación entregan premios de concurso por la dominicanidad

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