Santo Domingo, January 16, 2019 – The Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) – through its Center for Cultural Studies – announced the results of the XII Annual Funglode/GFDD 2018 awards in the following categories: Journalism, Photography, Short Story, Essay, Novel and Poetry.
Funglode’s Center Director, José Rafael Lantigua, and Catherine Florentino, Executive Coordinator, announced the awards during a press conference where the names of the winners were presented in sealed envelopes. The envelopes were opened before attorney and notary public Cecilia Garcia.
This year the Center received 246 entries: 126 short stories; three novels; 25 poetry books; 13 special reports published in local dailies and eight essays. There were 71 entries in the Photography category, divided into 35 color photographs; 24 black and white photographs; and 12 in creative digital format.
The three first-place winners will receive awards that will range US$600 to US$4,000. The award ceremony will be held in the month of February, at a date and time that will be announced in the following weeks.
In the Short Story, Journalism and Essay categories, the winners will receive cash awards and a special trophy. The works of the winners will be published in books edited by the Editorial Funglode.
– Only Award Issued: “La muerte en cuatro -otra vez la muerte-”. Author: Natacha Batlle (Pseudonym: Odín Cito)
Jurors: Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo, Enegildo Peña and Pedro Ovalles
– First Place Award: “Susurros al atardecer sobre el río Higüamo”. Author: Víctor de Frías (Pseudonym: Cerebrito Cabral)
Verdict: The work presented represents a quality literary piece based on a dramatic force, with good use of literary techniques and narrative that in the development of the story presents values related to the reality, folklore and Dominican geography.
– Second Place Award: “Laia”. Author: Víctor Arcturus Estrella Sánchez (Pseudonym: La IA)
Verdict: The narrative tells the story with a correct and strategic use of the language, which allows the story to shed light on the dark passages of the psychological experiences of the characters.
Third Place Award: “El viejo ventilador”. Author: Elizabeth Villamán
Verdict: With the correct application of simple language, the author reveals the complex relationships within a particular family through the language of classic psychology.
Honorary Awards:
– “El Padrino de Beto Tres Cuchillos”. Author: Víctor de Frías (Pseudonym: Ti Noel)
Verdict: The narrative used, and the perfect liaison between literature and film, has led to the creation of characters that move between simple lifestyles, fantasy and history.
– “La carta”. By Carlos Castro (Pseudonym: Oscar Why).
Verdict: This short story is based on the vital aspects of Dominican daily lifestyles, and manages to bring together the various psychological aspects of the characters.
– “En boca cerrada no entran moscas”. By Leonardo Nen (Pseudonym: Virgilio Peix)
Verdict: The story tells the tale, by using a flowing – sometime poetic – language, of a nostalgic romantic relationship.
Jurors: Pedro Antonio Valdez, Rafael José Rodríguez and Emilia Pereyra.
(Prize not Awarded)
Jurors: René Rodríguez Soriano, Luis R. Santos and Rubén Sánchez Féliz.
– First Place: “Algunas dilucidaciones exentas del currículum académico dominicano”. Author: Pedro Carreras, (Pseudonym: Rompesaraguey)
Verdict: Based on anthropology, sociology and ethno-history and musicology, the essay discusses issues scarcely treated by Dominican academia. The essay mentions the evolution and transformation of the mass media outlets in the Dominican Republic, thus highlighting the impact of radio, radio-theater, telenovelas, television, telephone, telegraph, railroad, means of transportation, the merengue and the bolero, in Dominican society. Its depth of analysis is surprising as well as the careful manner in which the author discusses those particular issues, and which have not been carefully studied by specialists in Dominican culture. The work is to the point, academic in nature but of easy reading, written with a particularly precise form of writing style and with a rigorous expressive value. Its historic content, based on solid sources, the footnotes, and the focus of the issues discussed, make this a particularly important text for Dominican bibliography.
– First Finalist: “Modernidad, imperativos de un mal necesario”. Author: Bizmar Galán Gálvez (Pseudonym: Mil-Ga 23)
Verdict: In this innovative essay the author offers solutions to various social problems generated by technology, and that have slowly impacted the behavior of the common citizen and the daily activities of many Dominicans, without them even knowing it. The sociological and anthropological character of the essay also argues that sports and recreation are basic elements needed for a healthy physical and mental lifestyle. It also provides educational orientation, an objective focus and argumentative freedom. It also exhibits a sound language base and a fluid prose.
– Second Finalist: “Globo-imaginarios (representación de la “Verdad”-Mentira en la complejidad de lo global). Author: Juan Gelabert (Pseudonym: Nauj Trebaleg).
Verdict: This creative and modern essay invites the reader to reflect on the political power used by the media outlets to distort Dominican and foreign social reality. It argues that through these tactics it creates a credible yet false world, to calm the social vindications of the least favored sectors in the areas of education and economic well-being. It is written in a clear and precise language, making its reading easy to understand.
Jurors: Franklin Gutiérrez, Frank Rosario and Basilio Belliard.
– First Prize: “Embarazos en Adolescentes”. Author: Doris Pantaleón, published in morning daily Listin Diario
– Finalist: “El Primer Empleo”. Author: Lihon Tejeda, published in Listín Diario
– Finalist: “Primavera de Miel para los Apicultores del Noroeste”. Author: Panki Corcino, published in El Dinero
Honorable Mentions:
– “Una Metrópolis Enferma”, published in Listín Diario
Authors: Miguel Franjul, Doris Pantaleón, Wanda Méndez, Dalton Herrero, Santiago de la Cruz, Martín Adames, Scarlen Pozo, Javier Flores, Jaclin Campos, Yaniris Lopez, Jhenery Ramírez, Patria Reyes, Adriana Peguero, Sergio Cid, Lilian Tejada and Ramón Pérez Reyes.
Jurors: José Monegro, Mario Rivadulla and Máximo Jiménez.
In Color:
– First Place: “Fiesta y mañana gallo”, by Francisco Fortunato
– Finalist: “Mirada que refleja una vida”, Danisel Cueto
– Honorable Mention: “Pa’guandulito”, by Francisco Fortunato
Black and White:
– First Place: “Retrato a Yolanda”, by Francisco Fortunato
– Finalist: “Después de la descarga”, by Domingo Marte
– Honorable Mention: “Forma y ser”, by Clifford Mariano
Digital Format:
– First Place: “Reminiscencia”, by Danisel Cueto
– Finalist: “Minions”, by Nehemías Alvino Castro
– Honorable Mention: “Luto”, by Martín Rodríguez
– “Parallax”: by Waldo Rubén
Jurors: Mariano Hernández, Domingo Batista and Mayra Johnson
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.