Santo Domingo, August 29, 2019 – The Forum will be held in Santo Domingo from September 17-19 and will include in its three-day agenda more than 50 experts, as well as include representatives from public institutions, private companies and universities.
The Forum will be held in Santo Domingo´s Dominican Fiesta Hotel.
In this year´s Forum the Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies (ASOFER) will sponsor on the 18th of September various conferences and discussion panels on sector-related issues. Also, an exhibit on the products and services local companies are currently providing in this field.
Forum director Zonia Tejada explained that this year´s event will attract a large and dynamic public because entry to all events will be free of charge. All those interested in participating may register through the Forum´s website
She also highlighted that the Forum has also attracted a significant number of sponsors, encouraged by the success of past events and the interest shown by the energy sectors in discussing the issues they currently face and the success many have experienced.
The Forum will include in its three-day agenda issues such as “Energy Production Through Waste Products,” “Development of the Digital Republic Project Through Transmission Networks,” “Financing for Renewable Energy Products and Infrastructure Projects,” “Energy as a Human Right,” “Electric Mobility in the Dominican Republic,” among others.
Aside from the conferences, workshops and panel discussions, the public will also be able to enjoy a trade fair that will feature solar panels, electricity materials, logistic services, electric mobility, technology and networking.
The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Energy and Mines and co-sponsored by the Dominican Electricity Corporation (CDEEE), the Rural and Suburban Unit (UERS), INTEC University, ENSO Energía Alternativa, Scala Solar, Solarta, ONAPI, the law offices of Acosta & Rosario, Newlink Group, IMCA, Energy Expert Now, National Energy Commission and Tecnicaribe Dominicana, among others.
Also, the following national media outlets and partners: El Nuevo Diario, El dinero, Ritmo Económico magazine,,, among others.
The organizers explained that the country´s energy sector is vital for its economic, social and human development. Discussion of the sector´s problems and achievements is vital so that customers – and potential customers – may better understand the opportunities, regulations and innovations the renewable energy sector can and will continue to provide local consumers and entrepreneurs.
ASOFER Vice President David Paiewonsky, along with the companies associated to the institution, provided guests all the information necessary on the upcoming Forum.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.