An enthusiastic audience packed Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theatre last Wednesday, July 25, 2018, to view the special presentation of the Dominican film “La Barbería,” Dominican film maker Waddys Jaquez’ first feature film. At the end of the presentation, the audience gave a prolonged standing ovation to the film. This is the third special presentation … Continue reading "Special Presentation of First Feature Film Directed by Waddys Jaquez in New York’s Lincoln Center"
Santo Domingo, July 30, 2018 – Santo Domingo’s Children’s Choir celebrated the concert “One Instrument, One Voice” at the Palace of Fine Arts in Santo Domingo. An enthusiastic audience attended the gala event. The choir, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, is directed by Maestro Ángel Herdz and Ellin Rodríguez Luna, its general coordinator. The … Continue reading "Santo Domingo’s Children’s Choir Celebrates Gala Concert"
On July 24, DFFNYC will open the Festival with the showing of the romantic comedy My Girlfriend’s Ghost, directed by Francis – El Indio – Disla and starring Carmen Villalobos, William Levy and Susana Dosamantes New York, July 27, 2018 – The 7th Dominican Film Festival in New York City ( announces its official program … Continue reading "7th Dominican Film Festival in New York City"
Santo Domingo, July 26, 2018 – The Dominican School of Popular and Folkloric Rhythms (Escuela Dominicana de Ritmos Folklóricos y Populares – EdoRitmos), will begin its summer course for all those interested in learning how to dance merengue, salsa, bachata and son. The courses are scheduled to begin on Sunday, August 5, from 9:00 to … Continue reading "EdoRitmos Announces Dance Classes for the Month of August"
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Eastern Santo Domingo, July 26, 2018 – The “Centro Abreu,” situated in the eastern section of Santo Domingo, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with the exhibit Poker Face/All In, featuring the work of artist Oscar Abreu. It will also feature a cultural program that will include conferences and workshops. Beginning Thursday, July 26, Abreu will … Continue reading "“Centro Abreu” Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Poker Face/All In Exhibit"
Juan Santiago, Elías Piña, July 23, 2018 – The Ministry of Culture sponsored an event in this municipality of the border region province of Elías Piña, to commemorate the 157th anniversary of the arrest and execution of Dominican patriot Francisco del Rosario Sánchez. The event, co-sponsored by the National Provincial Directorate, was held July 6-7 and … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Honors Founding Father in Border Region Province"
Santo Domingo, July 24, 2018 – The first exhibit in memoriam, in honor of local artist Leonardo Sanz, titled “My Horizon is My Vertical Line,” consisting of works from the collections of Mario Martínez Fernández, Argenis Vásquez, Fernando Báez Guerrero and Ernestina Medrano Sanz, opened in Shanell Galería de Arte, situated on the second floor … Continue reading " “My Horizon is My Vertical Line:” In Memory of Dominican Visual Artist Leonardo Sanz"
Santo Domingo, July 20, 2018 – The Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Margarita Cedeño, and the Dominican Children and Youth Library (BIJRD) headed a special event this past Wednesday to honor the winners of the “Professor Juan Bosch Eighth Reading Olympics”, an initiative sponsored by the Office of the Vice President. In what … Continue reading "Vice President Recognizes 347 Students Who Participated in the “Professor Juan Bosch Eighth Reading Olympics”"
Santo Domingo, July 18, 2018 – The “Teatro Orquestal Dominicano (TODO),” a theater group that features 170 children, youth and adults with various physical and mental challenges will celebrate its fifth anniversary with the play “Pirámide 179,” written by renowned Dominican playwright Máximo Avilés Blonda. The special free presentation is scheduled for Wednesday, July 25, in … Continue reading "Dominican Theater Group “Teatro Orquestal Dominicano” Will Celebrate its Fifth Anniversary with a Special Presentation"
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