Ministry of Culture announces “Long Night of the Museums” with an attractive artistic program Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/12/2014 The Ministry of Culture, through the General Directorate of Museums, announced the first edition of the 2014 “Long Night of the Museums, spring version”, which will take place on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014. On that day, … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture announces “Long Night of the Museums” with an attractive artistic program"
Ministry of Culture Signs Inter-institutional Agreement with Microsoft Dominicana and Global Shapers CommunitySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/12/2014 The Dominican National Commission for UNESCO (CNDU), represented by the Ministry of Culture, signed an interesting inter-agency agreement with the companies Microsoft Dominicana and Global Shapers Community, which will allow the training of 323 teachers in the management … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Signs Inter-institutional Agreement with Microsoft Dominicana and Global Shapers Community"
Ministry of Culture will open the XIV edition of the Emilio Aparicio Amateur Theater Festival on TuesdaySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 03/10/2014 To commemorate the National Day of the Dominican Theater, the Ministry of Culture, through the National Theater System, will open the XIV edition of the Emilio Aparicio Amateur Theater Festival, on Tuesday, March12. The … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture will open the XIV edition of the Emilio Aparicio Amateur Theater Festival on Tuesday"
Ministry of Culture sponsors painting exhibitionSanto Domingo, March 7, 2014 The group exhibition “Razón de Mujer” opened last night, under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture, at Casa de Italia, located on Hostos Street in the Colonial City. The exhibition will be open to the public until March 20th and it will display the … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture sponsors painting exhibition"
Puerto Plata is the most promoted Dominican destination at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse 2014Berlin, Germany,March 7, 2014 A delegation representing the tourism sector of Puerto Plata participates in the Internationale Tourismus-Börse (ITB) that is being held March 7 – 9 in Berlin, Germany. The committee is headed by Lorenzo Sancassani, Provincial Director of Tourism who, along … Continue reading "Puerto Plata is the most promoted Dominican destination at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse 2014"
Invasión Biomega wins grand prize at the III National Exhibition of the Children CarnivalSanto Domingo,March 6, 2014 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) announced the winners of the III Exhibition of the Children Carnival, which was held last Saturday, March 1st, on Ave. George Washington (at the Santo Domingo Boardwalk). “Invasión Biomega” (Biomega Invasion), the troupe … Continue reading "Invasión Biomega wins grand prize at the III National Exhibition of the Children Carnival"
Judge Justo Pedro Castellanos released his book “En la Universidad”Santo Domingo,March 6, 2014 It features the presentation of the Rector of UNAPEC, Radhamés Mejía, and a foreword by former Minister of Culture José Rafael Lantigua. The event was presided by Monsignor Agripino Núñez Collado. Judge of the Constitutional Court and former Rector of the APEC … Continue reading "Judge Justo Pedro Castellanos released his book “En la Universidad”"
CCPDE Canada celebrated succeful first children’s drawing contest “así es mi país”Santo Domingo,March 6, 2014 On March 2nd, 2014, the Advisory Council for Dominicans in Canada (CCPDE – Consejo Consultivo para los Dominicanos en Canadá), organized the first children’s drawing competition to celebrate a very significant event, the “170th anniversary of the Dominican independence”. The … Continue reading "CCPDE Canada celebrated succeful first children’s drawing contest “así es mi país”"
IV Anniversary of Fundación Apoyo al Desarrollo de las Bibliotecas Dominicanas (FUNDEBIDO)Santo Domingo,March 4, 2014 On Friday, February 28th, Fundación Apoyo al Desarrollo de las Biblitecas Dominicanas (FUNDEBIDO – Foundation Support for the Development of the Dominican Libraries) celebrated its IV Anniversary with an event that took place in the Orientation Hall of the Pedro … Continue reading "IV Anniversary of Fundación Apoyo al Desarrollo de las Bibliotecas Dominicanas (FUNDEBIDO)"
INAFOCAM starts technology teacher training with ITLA and ClaroSanto Domingo,March 3, 2014 The National Institute of Teacher Education and Training (INAFOCAM – Instituto Nacional de Formación y Capacitación del Magisterio), recently started two separate teacher training programs with the technical support of the Instituto Tecnológico de las Américas (ITLA – Technological Institute of the Americas) … Continue reading "INAFOCAM starts technology teacher training with ITLA and Claro"
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