INAFOCAM and UNPHU prepare teachers to serve people with special learning needs Santo Domingo, February 10, 2014 The National Institute for Teacher Education and Training (INAFOCAM) recently began offering, with the academic support of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), a bachelor’s degree in Special Education that will benefit 65 high school graduates from … Continue reading "INAFOCAM and UNPHU prepare teachers to serve people with special learning needs"
Dominican Students Set Off on 9th Educational Expedition to Pico DuarteSanto Domingo, February 6, 2014 The 9th Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte, an initiative of GFDD’s DR Environmental Film Festival and the Siempre Mas Foundation, set off today, this time with 75 students and staff members which will once again endure the four day trek … Continue reading "Dominican Students Set Off on 9th Educational Expedition to Pico Duarte"
DREFF Opens Designated ‘Green’ Area to Help Promote Environment Preservation and Education InitativesSanto Domingo, February 4, 2014 The Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) and the Vida Azul Foundation signed an inter-institutional collaboration agreement on a significant initiative aimed at raising awareness in children and adults on the importance of preserving the environment. The educational … Continue reading "DREFF Opens Designated ‘Green’ Area to Help Promote Environment Preservation and Education Initatives"
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Mariasela Álvarez and Gómez Díaz are the queen and king of the Carnival of Santo DomingoSanto Domingo, February 7, 2014 The former Miss World was crowned by the Minister of Culture José Antonio Rodríguez, together with singer Milly Quezada, last year’s carnival queen. Tonight, the Ministry of Culture crowned communicator Mariasela Álvarez as Queen of … Continue reading "Mariasela Álvarez and Gómez Díaz are the queen and king of the Carnival of Santo Domingo"
The Bonao Carnival, every Sunday in February and the regional parade on March 9thSanto Domingo, February 7, 2014 Bonao promises creativity, colors, emotions, and fun every Sunday in February, and on March 9th, during its regional parade, plenty of dance troupes from around the country. The variety of characters, dance troupes, security, order, and quality, … Continue reading "The Bonao Carnival, every Sunday in February and the regional parade on March 9th"
Tourism Cluster and FOMIN open exhibition “Trajes y Caretas Carnaval de Puerto Plata” at Casa de CulturaPuerto Plata, February 6, 2014 With a selection of images, costumes, and masks, the Tourism Cluster of Puerto Plata, the FOMIN-IDB project “Tourism Management based on Cultural Resources,” and Casa de Cultura of this city, opened the exhibition “Trajes … Continue reading "Tourism Cluster and FOMIN open exhibition “Trajes y Caretas Carnaval de Puerto Plata” at Casa de Cultura"
XVII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2014 will be dedicated to poet Domingo Moreno JimenesSanto Domingo, 7 de febrero de 2014 The Minister of Culture, songwriter and performer José Antonio Rodríguez, announced that the XVII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2014, with Panama as the Guest of Honor, will be dedicated to writer … Continue reading "XVII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2014 will be dedicated to poet Domingo Moreno Jimenes"
Fifth Bi-annual 2014 Conference of the Dominican Studies Association “Making a Difference…”Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 02/06/2014 Presenting Leslie Jiménez on Thursday, May 1 – Friday, May 2, 2014 Conference Program (PDF) Online Registration (Open) Location:Naugatuck Valley Community CollegePlaybox Theater750 Chase ParkwayWaterbury, CT 06708 Presented by:Naugatuck Valley Community College,the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI),the Office … Continue reading "Fifth Bi-annual 2014 Conference of the Dominican Studies Association “Making a Difference…”"
Santiago IPISA Students Win Second Collegiate Debate TournamentSantiago, February 4, 2014 Most of the 54 participants in the competition are beneficiaries of the school voucher “Studying I Progress” from Progressing with Solidarity, one of the programs of the Office of Coordination of Social Policies, under the authority of the Vice President of the Republic, Dr. … Continue reading "Santiago IPISA Students Win Second Collegiate Debate Tournament"
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