Francina Hungría presents inclusion projects to Margarita CedeñoSanto Domingo, January 15, 2014 At a meeting in the office of Vice President Cedeño de Fernández, Hungría presented the inclusion projects for the blind which she dreams to implement with government support. Dr. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández met in her office at the National Palace with Engineer … Continue reading "Francina Hungría presents inclusion projects to Margarita Cedeño"
Inafocam Awarded Scholarships to 71,405 Teachers in 2013; Exceeds Target by 374%Santo Domingo, January 15, 2014 The National Institute of Teacher Education and Training (INAFOCAM – Instituto Nacional de Formación y Capacitación del Magisterio) carried out activities in 2013 that benefited 71,405 teachers, high school graduates, and professionals in non-teaching careers with scholarships for undergraduate, … Continue reading "Inafocam Awarded Scholarships to 71,405 Teachers in 2013; Exceeds Target by 374%"
Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo Will Release Her Book “Dentro del Bosque”Santo Domingo, January 14, 2014 Returning to a publication in conventional book format, Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo presented on Saturday, January 18th, at 11.00 am, at the “Pedro Mir” Forum of the Cuesta Bookstore, a literary text that integrates twenty soliloquies of overflowing imagination, titled Dentro del Bosque (Santuario … Continue reading "Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo Will Release Her Book “Dentro del Bosque”"
Ministry of Culture announces the winner of the Mini Fiction National ContestSanto Domingo, January 9, 2014 The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate of Literary Management, announced that writer Nam Chevalier was the winner of the “III National Contest of Mini Fiction 2013” with his book El domador de fieras y otros nanorrelatos (The beast … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture announces the winner of the Mini Fiction National Contest"
Puerto Plata begins preparing for the arrival of cruise ships with the first inter-agency meeting in coordination with the Chamber of CommerceSanto Domingo, January 11, 2014 The Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata hosted the first inter-agency meeting related to the implementation of the “Puerto Plata Ciudad Crucerista (Puerto Plata Cruise City),” which … Continue reading "Puerto Plata begins preparing for the arrival of cruise ships with the first inter-agency meeting in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce"
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