MINERD, EDUCA and IONIC Sign Agreement to Remodel Manoguayabo SchoolSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 06/13/13The Ministry of Education (MINERD), IONIC, graduating high school seniors for the2012-2013school year at St. Michael’s High School, and Business Action for Education (EDUCA) have signed a cooperation agreementfor remodelingthe Miracle of Love school, located in the Hato NuevosectionofManoguayabo, municipality of SantoDomingo … Continue reading "MINERD, EDUCA and IONIC Sign Agreement to Remodel Manoguayabo School"
Latin Ex-Presidents Unite to Discuss Public Leadership and Latin America’s Critical Role in the World’s Sustainable DevelopmentWashington, United States 17/06/2013 T he former President of the Dominican Republic and honorary President of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), Dr. Leonel … Continue reading "Latin Ex-Presidents Unite to Discuss Public Leadership and Latin America’s Critical Role in the World’s Sustainable Development"
Conference Highlights Benefits of the Trust as a Tool for Tourism DevelopmentSanto Domingo,Dominican Republic 13 June 2013As an initiative of the Destiny Tourism Cluster Puerto Plata, the Banco Popular Dominicano in Puerto Plata held a lecture entitled “The trust fund as a tool for tourism development”, given by Lic. Edward Baldera, Vice President of the … Continue reading "Conference"
Central American Officials Value MINERD’s School of Directors ProjectSanto Domingo, República Dominicana 11/06/13The School of Directors for Educational Quality(EDCE in Spanish) project, implemented by the Ministryof Education(MINERD), received a favorable reception from Central American ministers and deputy ministers of education as well as other officials who participated intheclosing ceremonyofthe32ndRegular Meetingof the Council of Ministersof Educationand … Continue reading "Central American Officials Value MINERD’s School of Directors Project"
The UNA-SNY Young Professionals invite you to attend: Turning Point: The End of U.S. Colonialism in Puerto Rico? Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 06/11/13In what hasn’t been exercised in more than a decade unfolded this past U.S. presidential election in November. An astounding 1.8 million Puerto Ricans in the island cast their ballot in a nonbinding … Continue reading "The UNA-SNY Young Professionals invite you to attend: Turning Point: The End of U.S. Colonialism in Puerto Rico?"
Labor Ministry Clarifies its Role before the Eventual Modification of the Labor CodeSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 06/11/2013The Ministry of Labor assures that it will be vigilant and follow its role as the possibility of an eventual modification of the Labor Code comes closer. In a press release, the institution reported that the subject of modifying … Continue reading "Labor Ministry Clarifies its Role before the Eventual Modification of the Labor Code"
“Aspects of Alice: A New Fantasy in Wonderland” at the National TheaterSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 6/11/2013The magic of the National Black Theater of Prague is returning on Saturday to the National Theater where it will perform “Aspects of Alice,” a new adventure of Alice in Wonderland. The performance is being put on under the auspices … Continue reading "“Aspects of Alice: A New Fantasy in Wonderland” at the National Theater"
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National Symphony Orchestra Captivates Audience at Altos de Chavón First Spring Festival of 2013Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 6/9/2013The cast of musicians in theNational Symphonic Orchestra, directed by maestro José Antonio Molina, captivated the audience at their majestic concert during the 2013 First Altos de Chavón Film Festival. The cultural artistic event, sponsored by the Ministry … Continue reading "National Symphony Orchestra Captivates Audience at Altos de Chavón First Spring Festival of 2013"
Promoting Economic Empowerment of Women in Los AlcarrizosSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 06/09/13The Ministry of Women and the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) this week re-inauguratedthe Training Center in Los Alcarrizos with an investment of more than 7 million pesos. The aim is to develop the skills, aptitudes and leadership among women, allowing them … Continue reading "Promoting Economic Empowerment of Women in Los Alcarrizos"
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