GFDD Collaborates on Inter-American Dialogue to Discuss: Elections in the Dominican Republic: Where is the Country Headed?Washington DC, April 13 E lections in the Dominican Republic, scheduled for May 20, are expected to be a closely contested. Some 6.5 million citizens will vote for President and Vice President. And, for the first time in the … Continue reading "GFDD Collaborates on Inter-American Dialogue to Discuss: Elections in the Dominican Republic: Where is the Country Headed?"
Conference on Hilma Contreras, part of the pre-opening season of the International Book FairDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, March 28, 2013 The conference”Los misterios de Hilma Contreras (The Mysteries of Hilma Contreras)” was held on March 19, in the framework of the pre-opening season of the International Book Fair (FIL – Feria Internacional del Libro). The … Continue reading "Conference on Hilma Contreras, part of the pre-opening season of the International Book Fair"
The State’s Budget Dining Rooms and “Acción Callejera” signed an agreementDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 3/28/13 The State’s Budget Dining Rooms (Comedores Económicos del Estado) and the “Acción Callejera (Street Action)” Educational Foundation signed an inter-agency agreement to provide food to children and youth at risk and with challenges of a social nature,who are grouped in … Continue reading "The State’s Budget Dining Rooms and “Acción Callejera” signed an agreement"
Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner of the National Journalism AwardDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 3/26/13 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) and the ColegioDominicano de Periodistas(CDP – Dominican College of Journalists) announced that veteran journalist Emilio Herasme Peña was selected unanimously by the jury as the winner of the 2013 National Journalism Award. The … Continue reading "Emilio Herasme Peña was selected as the winner of the National Journalism Award"
Painting Exhibit “La Manera Barroca”Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, March 26, 2013 The “Barroco Elysa” group invites you to the second presentation of the painting exhibit “La ManeraBarroca (The Baroque Way),” which will open on April 8, at 7:00 p.m.,at Calle Dr. Delgado, Esq. Francia-Biblioteca, Dominican Republic. The “Barroco Elysa” group invites you to the second … Continue reading "Painting Exhibit “La Manera Barroca”"
Long Night of the Museums in the Spring was attended by hundreds of peopleDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 3/26/13 This Saturday, March 23, fourteen museums and cultural centerslocatedthroughout the Colonial City, La Romana, Higüey and Santiago, opened their doors to offer the public a varied program with a cutting-edge and magical style. The formal opening of … Continue reading "Long Night of the Museums in the Spring was attended by hundreds of people"
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“Encuentros Vivos” take place in schools with extended day formatDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 3/24/13 The Ministries of Education (MINERD) and Culture are in the process of developing the “Encuentrosvivos de la escuela con los ritmosdominicanos (Livingcultural encounters of schools with Dominican rhythms)” project, in schools with extended day format. The objective is to create a … Continue reading "“Encuentros Vivos” take place in schools with extended day format"
Technical Course for Contact Center AnalystSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 3/22/13 This is to inform about the scholarship announcement for the “CursoTécnicoparaAnalista de Contact Center (Technical Course for Contact Center Analyst)”. Applications will be accepted through April 25, 2013. The course has a duration of one year. It includes classes of English, Spanish, and Leadership Psychology. … Continue reading "Technical Course for Contact Center Analyst"
Expo “En vías de perdón” by Celeste SeligmannSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 3/22/13 It is the first solo exhibition of the Swiss-based Dominican artist Celeste Seligmann. The exhibition, entitled “En vías de perdón (In the process of forgiveness),“ exposes,by way of photographs and installations, the fabric of violence in our society. The Centro de la Imagen, … Continue reading "Expo “En vías de perdón” by Celeste Seligmann"
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