Ministry of Culture and Philharmonic Foundation Offer Orchestra Conducting WorkshopSanto Domingo, DominicanRepublic 11/29/2012 The Philharmonic Foundation and the Ministry of Culture’s National System of Orchestras will offer the “II Orchestra Conducting Workshop,” to be given by Maestro Daniel Hurtado, conductor of the Simón Bolívar Symphonic Rock Orchestra in Venezuela. It is indispensable that students active … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture and Philharmonic Foundation Offer Orchestra Conducting Workshop"
Strings Section of Dominican Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Give ConcertSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 11/29/2012 The Ministry of Culture, the León Jiménes Foundation, Monte Sacro andSymphony Foundation cordially invite the general public to enjoy String Section of the Dominican Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Kurt Nikkanen, Concert Master of the New York City Ballet Orchestra at Lincoln … Continue reading "Strings Section of Dominican Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Give Concert"
OISOE delivers the Villa Consuelo Market building to City HallDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 28, 2012 The Office Overseeing State Works (OISOE – Oficina Supervisora de Obras del Estado), will formally deliver the Villa Consuelo Market building to City Hall this Thursday. Some 300 vendors will be able to conduct their commercial activities in a … Continue reading "OISOE delivers the Villa Consuelo Market building to City Hall"
Budget Dining Rooms bring their operations to JimaníDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 28, 2012 As part of the government’s social programs to guarantee food security for the population, yesterday the State’s Budget Dining Rooms (Comedores Económicos del Estado) brought their operations to several communities of Jimaní, which is located in the Independencia province. More than … Continue reading "Budget Dining Rooms bring their operations to Jimaní"
MAM announces the Ibero-American project “Saltando Muros”Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 28, 2012 The Ministry of Culture, in coordination with the Museum of Modern Art, informs that the call for entries to the Ibero-American photography project “Saltando Muros (Jumping Over Fences)”will remain open to the public until the end of December.This project has been organized … Continue reading "MAM announces the Ibero-American project “Saltando Muros”"
Conference with the Attorney General of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Domínguez BritoDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, November 28, 2012 Gaspar Hernández, Espaillat. The association for the promotion and development of this tourist city, which is located on the northern coast, held a dinner conference with the Attorney General of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Domínguez Brito. The … Continue reading "Conference with the Attorney General of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Domínguez Brito"
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Students Experience the Richness and Diversity of the Dominican Republic at GFDD and FUNGLODE Environment Exhibit in Cibao. Dominican Republic, Santiago 11/27/12 A group of some 100 students from Centro Educativo Jean Piaget and accompanying teachers got the opportunity to discover the awe, wonder and rich biodiversity of the Dominican Republic at an environment exhibit … Continue reading "Students Experience the Richness and Diversity of the Dominican Republic at GFDD and FUNGLODE Environment Exhibit in Cibao."
The Narciso González Cultural Center organizes a roundtable on art, culture and youth participation Dominican Dominican Republic, National District,November 26, 2012 The Ministry of Culture, in coordination with the Narciso González Cultural Center and the Ministry of Education, organized an interesting roundtable discussion entitled “Art, Culture and Youth Participation”, within the framework of the program … Continue reading "The Narciso González Cultural Center organizes a roundtable on art, culture and youth participation"
DINAFOLK celebrates the National Merengue Day with lots of music and dancingDominican Republic, National District, November 26, 2012 As part of the “National Merengue Day”celebration,the Ministry of Culture, through the National Directorate of Folklores (DINAFOLK for its acronym in Spanish), surprisedpeople walking by in the avenues, squares and parks of Santo Domingo with groups of … Continue reading "DINAFOLK celebrates the National Merengue Day with lots of music and dancing"
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