MINERD delivers 20 new schools to different provinces in the countrySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 22, 2012 During the current school year, the Ministry of Education (MINERD) has delivered a total of 20 fully equipped schools to 10 provinces around the country. The total cost of building these schools has been 482,258,430 pesos. With these … Continue reading "MINERD delivers 20 new schools to different provinces in the country"
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Jarabacoa adorns itself with colorsJaracoba, Dominican Republic, September 7, 2012 For the third consecutive year, Jarabacoaadornsitself with colors, the aroma of flowers, and withjoy and tradition,during the celebration of the 2012Jarabacoa Flower Festival. This year the Festival will take place from September 21 to the 24, at the Duarte Park inJarabacoa. Jarabacoa is a place … Continue reading "Jarabacoa adorns itself with colors"
Fourth Photo-Culture 2012 Rally A Great SuccessSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/19/2012 The Culture Center of the Spanish Embassy in Santo Domingo hosted the fourth version of its Photo Rally,“Photo-Culture 2012,” an organized competition in conjunction with“Photoimagen,”which, thisyear, chose the theme “Transit” with the support and participation of 137 photographers, professionals and amateurs alike. The jury … Continue reading "Fourth Photo-Culture 2012 Rally A Great Success"
Technical Team of National Literacy Organization Holds its First Work Meeting Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublic 9/19/2012 Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, headed up the first technical team work meeting for the National Plan for QuisqueyaLiteracy – Learning with You program, which is expected to get underway in January of next year. The technical team was designated … Continue reading "Technical Team of National Literacy Organization Holds its First Work Meeting"
Ministry of Labor and UASD Sign Agreement on Employment PromotionSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/21/2012 The Ministry of Labor and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) signed a cooperation agreement to register UASD graduates with the National Employment Service (SENAE in Spanish), so that potential employers can more easily locate the graduates when they are hiring. … Continue reading "Ministry of Labor and UASD Sign Agreement on Employment Promotion"
Miguel Collado Will Present His Book and Give a Conference at the Dominican Book Fair in New YorkSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/21/2012 Dominican writer, Miguel Collado, will launch his book of essays, “La mentiraesunatelaraña (Reflexiones y pensamientos)” [A Lie is a Spider Web – Reflections and Thoughts] at the 4thDominican Book Fair in New York. … Continue reading "Miguel Collado Will Present His Book and Give a Conference at the Dominican Book Fair in New York"
Italy and Dominican Republic Promoting Cultural ExchangeSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/17/2012 Italian Deputy and president of the Commission for International Community Affairs, Gilberto Casciani, paid a courtesy call to Culture Minister, José Antonio Rodríguez, to talk about extending cultural relations between the Dominican-Italian communities in the Dominican Republic. “There will be an exhibition in Rome … Continue reading "Italy and Dominican Republic Promoting Cultural Exchange"
Spanish Cultural Center Reaches Duarte, Sánchez & Mella Streets through Jaime Guerra’s Photo ProjectSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/18/2012 As part of Photoimagen 2012, Dominicanartist Jaime Guerra’s exhibition is showing the world about daily life on Duarte, Sánchez andMella Streets in Santo Domingo by photographing a series of details that shed light on what rules the … Continue reading "Spanish Cultural Center Reaches Duarte, Sánchez & Mella Streets through Jaime Guerra’s Photo Project"
Benito Antonio at New York Fashion Week 2012Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 9/17/2012 Under the auspices of the ManiquíRestaurante, Dominican designer Benito Antonio presented his new collection “Esencia” on the runways of the Fashion Gallery NYFW 2012, at the Helen Mills Event Space & Theater of New York City. The public was dazzled by the glamour … Continue reading "Benito Antonio at New York Fashion Week 2012"
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