MINERD reiterates to students its commitment to providing quality educationSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 19, 2012 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) has stated that students are the raison d’etre and the core of the Dominican education system, as wellas a powerful reason for the institution to feel more committedevery day to providingquality education that is … Continue reading "MINERD reiterates to students its commitment to providing quality education"
MINERD recognizes its former ministers for their contribution to Dominican educationSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 19, 2012 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) recognized a group of 19 former ministers who performed their duties during the past 45 years, for the contributionsand accomplishments they madeduring their administrations in favor of Dominican education. The ceremony, headed by … Continue reading "MINERD recognizes its former ministers for their contribution to Dominican education"
Performance INDEPENDENCE-DO International Art Festival Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic February 19, 2012 Independence-Do, a national and international platform for performance artists, announces the second edition of the Performance International Art Festival,which is scheduled to take placefrom February 21stto the 27th, at various locations in Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata. The opening ceremony of the dialogue … Continue reading "Performance INDEPENDENCE-DO International Art Festival"
National Pact Signed to Eradicate Gender ViolenceSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 2/18/2012 The signing of this document reaffirms the commitment to eradicate all forms of violence against women and girls. “I am calling on all of you to attack a problem which is difficult to eradicate, one which depends on a complete change of paradigm within … Continue reading "National Pact Signed to Eradicate Gender Violence"
President of Transparency International Visits Dominican RepublicSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 2/18/2012 Huguette Labelle, President of Transparency International met with Dominican First Lady, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, in the Office of the First Lady (DPD in Spanish). Ms. Huguette Labelle appeared to be impressed with the DPD’s Portal of Transparency in that it allows for requests … Continue reading "President of Transparency International Visits Dominican Republic"
Darwin Aquino Directs the Most Important Orchestras in GermanySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 2/17/2012 Young Dominican Orchestra Director, Darwin Aquino, began his 2012 musical schedule with an invitation to direct two concerts with Germany’s Mainz Philharmonic on February 15th and 16th. As director of the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic, Aquino said the … Continue reading "Darwin Aquino Directs the Most Important Orchestras in Germany"
Education Minister Attends Graduation of 1,568 New Readers in Boca Chica Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2/17/2012 The Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, attended the third graduation of the Learning Opens Roads Youth and Adult Literacy Program given by the Senatorial Management Office of Santo Domingo Province, which recently graduated 1,568 new readers from Boca Chica. … Continue reading "Education Minister Attends Graduation of 1,568 New Readers in Boca Chica"
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Project To Strengthen The Native Wood Industry OpenedSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2/15/2012 The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), opened the project for Strengthening the Native Wood Industry in the Dominican Republic, which willdirectly benefit some 244 small and medium size wood producers nationwide. The openingceremony … Continue reading "Project To Strengthen The Native Wood Industry Opened"
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