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Shi Yan Ming Gives Seminar on High ProductivitySanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 8/4/2011 SShi Yan Ming is a monk who, as an infant was thrown into a garbage can then miraculously rescued by an acupuncturist who saved his life. Shi recently gave a high productivity seminar at the Hotel Embajador. The event, produced by Alex Brouwer, … Continue reading "Shi Yan Ming Gives Seminar on High Productivity"
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Estudiantes dominicanos obtienen primeros lugares en el Gran Debate celebrado en EEUURepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 03/08/2011 El estudiante dominicano Jan Carlos Guzmán, del Centro de Excelencia República de Colombia, obtuvo el primer lugar en el Gran Debate que se desarrolló en la Southwestern University, de Georgetown, Texas, y que se celebra anualmente en los Estados Unidos … Continue reading "Estudiantes dominicanos obtienen primeros lugares"
Inauguran el Parque Pedro Mir en San Pedro de MacorísRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 03/08/2011 El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales inauguró el parque ecológico Pedro Mir, instalado en los terrenos donde operó por muchos años la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales, en el barrio Pedro Justo Carrión de San Pedro de Macorís. … Continue reading "Inauguran el Parque Pedro Mir en San Pedro de Macorís"
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First Graduation from the Children and Youth ForumDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 8/3/2011 A total of 75 young people successfully completed their leadership training. “On the part of the First Lady we tell them that we have to practice the values that we preach: humility, solidarity, respect. You young people, with your actions and effort have … Continue reading "First Graduation from the Children and Youth Forum"
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