Government Refunds $190 Billion Dominican Pesos In Education Expense Deductions Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/28/2011 The Internal Revenue Office (DGII in Spanish) reported that this year, the second since Law 179-09 covering Tax Deductions for Educational Expenses for Individuals went into effect, the number of beneficiaries reporting education expenses for themselves or their dependents increased … Continue reading "Government Refunds $190 Billion Dominican Pesos In Education Expense Deductions"
Eco-Visit Field Trips for School Children Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/30/2011 Full of joy and emotion, children of various schools around the country on Thursday celebrated the 32nd Environmental Information and Education Program organized by the Environment Ministry in coordination with the Education Ministry. Presiding over the event were Environment Minister Jaime David Fernández Mirabal … Continue reading "Eco-Visit Field Trips for School Children"
ASCA becomes the first aviation academy in america to obtain trainair plus certification from de ICAO Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/29/2011 The Academy for Higher Aeronautic Sciences (ASCA), which is part of the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC), received certification as a TRAINAIR PLUS center, from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), becoming the … Continue reading "ASCA becomes the first aviation academy in america to obtain trainair plus certification from de ICAO"
Celebration for Peace and the Environment República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 29/05/2011 The Pavilion of Dominican Writers and the XIV International Book Fair 2011 presented the poetry reading “Nature and peace.” Taty Hernández, a poet, was in charge of the event, which is part of the fifth International Festival of the Word in the World. Taty … Continue reading "Celebration for Peace and the Environment"
The “Island Horizons” exhibition opens June 3Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/27/2011 On Friday, June 3rd at 7:00p.m., the Ministry of Culture, the Government of the Canaries, the Spanish Cultural Action of the Government of Spain, and the Museum of Modern Art will open the group exhibition “Island Horizons”, a project that brings together art work … Continue reading "The “Island Horizons” exhibition opens June 3"
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Reforestation Program in Los CacaosRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 28/05/2011 As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, EDESUR Dominicana sponsored a reforestation campaign on Paseo del Café hill in the Los Cacaos community of the San Cristobal Province where volunteers from the company gathered to pitch in. Throughout the day, they planted 700 cedar trees … Continue reading "Reforestation Program in Los Cacaos"
Artisans from Progressing in Handcrafts Program Prepare for the Design Caribbean FairDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/28/2011 A group of artisans from the Progressing in Handcrafts Program, developed by the Office of the First Lady in El Cedro de Miches, participated in a workshop to hone their technical and creative design skills. The workshop was given … Continue reading "Artisans from Progressing in Handcrafts Program Prepare for the Design Caribbean Fair"
Ministry of Education and the INICIA Foundation Sign Cooperation AgreementsDominicanRepublic, Santo Domingo, 05/28/2011 The Ministry of Education (MINERD in Spanish) and the INICIA Foundation signed two cooperation agreements, one for organizational development and strengthening of human capital within the Ministry and the other a budgetary support agreement to continue improving institutional and operative proficiencies of … Continue reading "Ministry of Education and the INICIA Foundation Sign Cooperation Agreements"
Three schools operated by school boards opened in Monte PlataDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 27/05/2011 The Ministry of Education (MINERD), through the Office of International Cooperation (OIC) opened three schools in Monte Plata, built, expanded and restructured through the School Boards, which are management agencies with community participation that have carried out projects totaling more than … Continue reading "Three schools operated by school boards opened in Monte Plata"
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