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Anti-Money Laundering Conference Brings National and International Experts TogetherDominicanRepublic, Santo Domingo, 0527/2011 Distinguished national and international personalities came together at the conference in the Paradisus Punta Cana Hotel where they analyzed the state of money laundering and financing of terrorism. Distinguished national and international personalities came together at the conference in the Paradisus Punta Cana … Continue reading "Anti-Money Laundering Conference Brings National and International Experts Together"
Guatemalan and Dominican Education Authorities Exchange Experiences Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/29/2011 Guatemalan education authorities attended a working lunch with members of the Dominican National Council of Education (CNE), headed by Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel. The object of the meeting was to exchange experiences in the reform process underway for the past several years … Continue reading "Guatemalan and Dominican Education Authorities Exchange Experiences"
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First Lady Welcomes her Haitian CounterpartRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 26/05/2011 Dominican First Lady, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, welcomed her Haitian counterpart, Mrs. Sophie Martelly, at her office yesterday. Mrs. Martelly was on her first foreign visit as First Lady following the inauguration of her husband, Michel Martelly, as President of Haiti. “This is my first … Continue reading "First Lady Welcomes her Haitian Counterpart"
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Education Ministry Offers 400 Scholarships to Study EducationDominican Republic, Santo Domingo,05/25/2011 The Ministry of Education, through the National Institute for the Training and Preparation of Teachers (INAFOCAM), announced the availability of 400 scholarships on offer this year to college graduates with majors in other areas who wish to get into teaching in the Dominican school … Continue reading "Education Ministry Offers 400 Scholarships to Study Education"
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Municipal Gender Audit Program Launched Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/25/2011 The Ministry of Women and the Progressio Foundation, with support from UN Women and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), launched the Municipal Gender Audit Program (MAG in Spanish): A Practical Application Guide in the Municipalities of the Dominican Republic, with the goal of promoting … Continue reading "Municipal Gender Audit Program Launched"
Culture Ministry to Publish Four Books on the Execution of TrujilloRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 25/05/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) will publish four new books to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the patriotic deed that took place on May 30, 1961 with the execution of Trujillo. The books will come out under the National Publishing … Continue reading "Culture Ministry to Publish Four Books on the Execution of Trujillo"
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