Books by Winners of the Youth Literature Prize 2010 are Published at Book Fair Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/17/2011 The Youth Space Pavilion of the XIV International Book Fair launched “Debajo de Este Sol,” (Under this Sun) by Jesús Cordero, Prize Winner for Youth Poetry of the 2010 Book Fair and “Vulnerable en voz alta … Continue reading "Books by Winners of the Youth Literature Prize 2010 are Published at Book Fai"
Weekly activities from the Deputy Ministry of culture for the Northern RegionDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/15/2011 Actvities for the week of May 16-22, 2011Monday 16Urban modals for a more creative city In homage to the Professor Onésimo Jiménez. Painter: Nicolás Casado. Place: Onésimo Jiménez School, Los Pepines. Time: 4:00 p.m. Friday 20 Culture in the … Continue reading "Weekly activities from the Deputy Ministry of culture for the Northern Region"
Alejo Bachata, The Upcoming Dominican filmDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/17/2011 The producers, writer, director and the amazing cast of the Dominican Film Hit “Alejo Bachata” will host a press conference on May 17th. Join us for an exclusive presentation of the “Alejo Bachata” teaser and introduction to the cast. In search of the ultimate American … Continue reading "Alejo Bachata, The Upcoming Dominican film"
Exposición “REMEMBRANZAS”, de Sacha Tebó, se exibirá en la Quinta DominicaRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 16/05/2011 Artesdom, S.A. y el Centro Cultural Quinta Dominica invitan a la exhibición “REMEMBRANZAS”, del reconocido artista caribeño SACHA TEBÓ, la cual consta de pinturas y dibujos realizados a la técnica de la encáustica en diferentes formatos y esculturas en bronce … Continue reading "Exposición “REMEMBRANZAS”, de Sacha Tebó, se exibirá en la Quinta Dominica"
DGII y ANJE lanzan manual para facilitar el cumplimiento tributarioRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 16/05/2011 La Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII) y la Asociación Nacional de Jóvenes Empresarios (ANJE) pusieron en circulación el Manual Tributario “Lo que debe saber para iniciar un negocio en la República Dominicana”. El documento se publica con el propósito de … Continue reading "DGII y ANJE lanzan manual para facilitar el cumplimiento tributario"
Inauguration of Cleveland Indian Sports Complex in Dominican RepublicDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/16/2011 Dominican President Leonel Fernández, cut the ribbon on Monday to formally open the Cleveland Indian Sports Complex in El Cajuilito, part of the Guerra municipality. The large sports complex, with its $100 million peso ($2.6 million dollars) price tag, covers an area … Continue reading "Inauguration of Cleveland Indian Sports Complex in Dominican Republic"
Internal Revenue Office Introduces a Ranking of the ten Biggest Companies through Tax ContributionsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 16/05/2011 The General Office of Internal Revenue (DGII) published a ranking of the 10 biggest Dominican companies, as measured by their income tax contributions to this office. The data figure in the “Ranking of companies 2011” by the … Continue reading "Internal Revenue Office Introduces a Ranking of the ten Biggest Companies through Tax Contributions"
President Fernández Stresses Strengthening Relations between Haiti and the Dominican RepublicDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 05/16/2011 Dominican President Leonel Fernández stressed the historic importance in Dominican-Haiti relations as he participated in the inauguration of Haiti’s new President Michel Martelly. “The fact that a sitting Dominican president can come here to this democratic transition in Haiti indicates that we … Continue reading "President Fernández Stresses Strengthening Relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic"
“Education to Think” ProjectDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/16/2011 The Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, visited the Fray Ramón Pané School, located in the Los Jardines sector. She listened to explanations on the progress of the “Education to Think” project being carried out in coordination with the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology (INTEC in Spanish), the … Continue reading "”Education to Think” Project"
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