Ramona Collective Announces “Open Studio 2011” Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo,05/09/2011 This cultural event was conceived with the idea of bringing together emerging artists with diverse approaches and discourses into the same space in order to show the personal world of each one of them. The artistic event will begin on Friday May 13th until Sunday … Continue reading "Ramona Collective Announces “Open Studio 2011″"
“Growth in the Face of Adversity” Conference Given at International Book Fair, 2011Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo,05/11/2011 Psychologist Elizabeth Watson gave a conference called, “Growth in the Face of Adversity” in the Dominican Writers Pavilion at the XIV International Book Fair, Santo Domingo 2011. Watson, a specialist in helping families with handicapped children, said that the … Continue reading "”Growth in the Face of Adversity” Conference Given at International Book Fair, 2011"
Dominican Studies InstituteUnited States, New York 05/12/2011 Cordially invites you to an evening with Ada Balcácer speaking on Contributions of Dominican Artists in New York to National Development in the Dominican Republic. Ada Balcácer, one of the most prominent Dominican artists and gallerists, will discuss the importance of work by artists of Dominican ancestry living … Continue reading "Dominican Studies Institute"
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National Education Council Validates Study Plans of Various Polytechnic Schools República Dominicana, Santo Domingo,10/05/2011 The National Education Council (CNE in Spanish) approved two ordinances concerning the profiles, study plans and grades earned by 2,436 high school students from various polytechnic schools who, as a result of not having their grades properly accredited, were denied the … Continue reading "National Education Council Validates Study Plans of Various Polytechnic Schools"
Dominican Tourism Must Rely on Diversity, says De Marchena of Caribbean Tourism AssociationRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo,10/05/2011 Enrique de Marchena Kaluche, former president of the Association of Caribbean Hotels and Tourism (CHTA), believes it is important for the Dominican Republic should use its diversity to project itself as the main destination of the Caribbean A strategy … Continue reading "Dominican Tourism Must Rely on Diversity, says De Marchena of Caribbean Tourism Association"
INAFOCAM Will Launch a Pilot Program to Promote Docent Training ProgramRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo,10/05/2011 The National Institute for Training and Preparation (INAFOCAM), will launch a pilot docent training program directed toward young people in their last years of high school. The idea is to guarantee that those who wish to continue in the field of … Continue reading "INAFOCAM Will Launch a Pilot Program to Promote Docent Training Program"
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Gala Concert in Honor of Papal Representative at the XIV International Book Fair 2011República Dominicana, Santo Domingo,09/05/2011 A gala concert was performed by the National Symphony Orchestra and the Choral Group of the First Cathedral of the Americas in honor of His Eminence the Reverend Gianfranco Cardinal Ravisi, President of the Pontifical Council of Vatican … Continue reading "Gala Concert in Honor of Papal Representative at the XIV International Book Fair 2011"
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