Successful Conclusion to National ¨Sowing Theater Program” Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 04/18/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) concluded the National “Sowing Theater Program” on Sunday, April 17 with the performance of two plays: “Mambrú de Manabao” and “Paciencia que Impacienta” both put on at the Monina Sola Theater of the Narciso González Cultural Center. “Mambrú … Continue reading "Successful Conclusion to National ¨Sowing Theater Program”"
“INJUVE 2010” Visual Arts Show Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 04/19/2011 The Cultural Center of Spain inaugurated the “Creation INJUVE 2010” Visual Arts Show which is part of the series of prizes organized each year by the Youth Institute in Spain to support the new generation of artists who work in various mediums such as: visual … Continue reading "“INJUVE 2010” Visual Arts Show"
Culture Ministry Offering Symphony Orchestra Workshops to Children and Young People in San Juan de la MaguanaDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 04/18/2011 The Ministry Culture (MINC) is taking classical music to the children and young people of San Juan de la Maguana through the ¨Symphony for Everyone¨ program. The children are being trained in percussion, strings, … Continue reading "Culture Ministry Offering Symphony Orchestra Workshops to Children and Young People in San Juan de la Maguana"
GFDD’s First “Dominican Get-Togethers in the Big Apple” Huge SuccessNew York, 04/16/2011 “We want our children not to be afraid to realize their dreams of baseball but if education does not go hand-in-hand with that process, then we as adults have failed to set the right example and have not taught them the important things … Continue reading "GFDD’s First “Dominican Get-Togethers in the Big Apple” Huge Success"
Youth Symphony Orchestras Forming in the DRDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 04/15/2011 The Youth Symphony Orchestra will offer weekly classes in the Santo Domingo Sabio, a private institution with a fifty-plus years of work in the popular neighborhood Las Cañitas. When the project known as “The System” went into effect in Venezuela in 1975, there were … Continue reading "Youth Symphony Orchestras Forming in the DR"
Consequences and Expectations of the International Climate Summit: Towards COP 17, May 4-6, 2011 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 15/04/2011 International Climate Summit: Towards COP 17, May 4-6, 2011 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republi A three-day seminar developed in collaboration with the National Council on Climate Change and the Franklin Cultural Center (US … Continue reading "Consequences and Expectations of the International Climate Summit: Towards COP 17, May 4-6, 2011 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic"
Meeting of X Iberescena Program Successfully CompletedRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 15/04/2011 With the backing of the Dominican Ministry of Culture (MINC), the 10th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Assistance Funding for the Ibero-American Dramatic Arts (Iberescena), which seeks to promote Latin American exchange and integration through participation and financial assistance, was a success. Among … Continue reading "Meeting of X Iberescena Program Successfully Completed"
Winners of René Fernández Almonte Essay Contest Announced Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 04/15/2011 Luis Céspedes Peña, José Francisco Madera and Perfecto Martínez were the winners of the René Fernández Almonte essay writing contest sponsored by the Ministry of Culture (MINC) and organized by the Dominican College of Journalism of Santaigo (CDP). This year the theme … Continue reading "Winners of René Fernández Almonte"
Hato Mayor Puts on its First Theater ProductionRepública Dominicana, Hato Mayor 04/13/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC), through its Provincial Offices and the “Sowing Theater Program,” put on its first plays with the participation of more than fifty young people from different sectors of the province. The activity, coordinated by Wendy Jáquez, Provincial Director of … Continue reading "Hato Mayor Puts on its First Theater Production"
Expo “La Geometría del Plátano”República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 13/04/2011 La exhibición individual “Geometría del Plátano”, del pintor dominicano, Radhamés Mejía, fue inaugurada en District & Co. The Gallery , del Ensanche Naco en Santo Domingo. “Ese llamativo sabor y herencia tropical me llevaron a realizar esta serie de obras con manchas de colores brillantes y … Continue reading "Expo “La Geometría del Plátano”"
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