VI International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo 2009 The International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo (FITE), organized by the Ministry of Culture now in its 6th year, will be hosting 39 shows to be put on by the best professionals in the area. The Festival will also host an exquisite selection of American and European … Continue reading "VI International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo 2009"
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New Children’s Library: A Space for Learning, Recreation and Reading The Office of the First Lady of the Dominican Republic (DPD) has opened the Dominican Republic Library for Children and Adolescents: a space for learning, research and reading enjoyment. The library also offers other activities such as music, theater, puppet shows, illustration and film … Continue reading "New Children’s Library: A Space for Learning, Recreation and Reading"
Wallride Exhibition in Modafoca Gallery The MDFC Gallery is presenting its tenth WALLRIDE exhibition. This one is about skateboards designed by a group of artists, several of whom are young graphic designers, illustrators and skaters whose work is based on their own professions, using a skateboard as the medium for their subjects, thus combining art … Continue reading "Wallride Exhibition in Modafoca Gallery"
OAS Publishes “Legal Framework for Payment for Ecological Services in Latin American and the Caribbean: Analysis of Eight Countries” The Organization of American States (OAS) recently published a guide called “Legal Framework for the Payment for Ecological Services in Latin American and the Caribbean: Analysis of Eight Countries.” The publication analyzes the tendencies, lessons and … Continue reading "OAS Publishes “Legal Framework for Payment for Ecological Services in Latin American and the Caribbean: Analysis of Eight Countries”"
OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project The Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) is offering scholarships for the course, “Design and Implementation of Payment for Ecological Services: Training for Government Officials.” The training course will be given in … Continue reading "OAS Offers Scholarships to Latin American Government Workers to Train in the Payment for Ecological Services (PES) Project"
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Dominican Professors to Teach Classes in Masters Programs at University of Quebec The Montreal and Outaouais campuses the University of Quebec have decided to hire six Dominican professors to teach in their Masters in Business Administration Program (MBA) and Management Projects (MGP) which are given at the UNAPEC (APEC University) in Spanish. “These professionals have … Continue reading "Dominican Professors to Teach Classes in Masters Programs at University of Quebec"
Institutional Cooperation Agreement Signed In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Institutional Cooperation, the National Council for Children and Adolescents (CONANI) and the Dominican Republic Plan signed an agreement in which they will share in the implementation and development of the “Learn without Fear” campaign beginning in the southwest region of the country and … Continue reading "Institutional Cooperation Agreement Signed"
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