2008 Alfaguara Prize Winner “Chiquita” Launched in Santo Domingo The Alfaguara Publishers will launch this year´s prize winning novel “Chiquita” by Cuban writer Orlando Rodríguez. The book launch, scheduled for September 19, will be held in the Pedro Mir Hall of the Cuesta Bookshop starting at 6:30 p.m. The book introduction and presentation will be … Continue reading "2008 Alfaguara Prize Winner “Chiquita” Launched in Santo Domingo"
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Tourism Clusters Strengthened to Improve Management and Competitiveness The National Competitiveness Council, the National Network of Tourism Clusters and the Dominican Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (USAID – DSTA) recently signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the objective of strengthening the country´s tourism clusters in an effort to better manage their activities and to integrate the … Continue reading "Tourism Clusters Strengthened to Improve Management and Competitiveness"
Dominican Government Official Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Haiti On Monday, official from the Dominican government delivered humanitarian aid to the Republic of Haiti to be distributed among those affected by the recent hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike. On express orders from Dominican President Leonel Fernández, a high-level commission of Dominican officials was dispatched to the … Continue reading "Dominican Government Official Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Haiti"
Health Minister Deploys Measures to Improve Services Dr. Bautista Rojas Gómez, Minister of Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS) affirmed on Thursday that quality health service is an issue of utmost importance to the government and that it will not skimp on resources in order to reach that objective. The Minister surprised the patients, hospital … Continue reading "Health Minister Deploys Measures to Improve Services"
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Five Dominican Beaches Seek Blue Flag Certification Five segments of our endless Caribbean beach destinations are seeking to obtain the prestigious Blue Flag Certification, becoming part of the select group of places throughout the world that enjoy this honor based on their excellent environmental, health and safety standards. “Today tourists know what the Blue Flag … Continue reading "Five Dominican Beaches Seek Blue Flag Certification"
European Commission Gives Millions in Humanitarian Aid for Caribbean Victims of Gustav The European Commission has donated 2 million Euros in emergency funding to help assist with those in the Caribbean countries most affected by hurricane Gustav. “…What is clear is that many vulnerable people in these countries are suffering and we need to act … Continue reading "European Commission Gives Millions in Humanitarian Aid for Caribbean Victims of Gustav"
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