President Promulgates Supplementary Budget The Executive Branch promulgated the Supplementary Budget that modifies approved spending in the Income Budget and the government’s 2008 Public Spending Law, raising the amount to RD$31,340 million pesos. The new budget supplement will affect the president’s office, various ministries, the central elections office and other state institutions. This additional amount … Continue reading "President Promulgates Supplementary Budget"
Environment Ministry and Duty Free Zones Reps Discuss Facilitating Business Installations The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Omar Ramírez Tejada and representatives of the National Council of Duty Free Export Zones (CNZFE) met to discuss some of the requirements of the sector and the advances being made by the Ministry to help facilitate the … Continue reading "Environment Ministry and Duty Free Zones Reps Discuss Facilitating Business Installations"
Tourism Ministry Makes Films About Most Fascinating Places and Music in the DR The Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) will show its documentary films, “Caribbean Treasures” and “Images and Music of the Dominican Republic ” around the country and abroad. The two films feature the best music and the most beautiful places in the DR. “We … Continue reading "Tourism Ministry Makes Films About Most Fascinating Places and Music in the DR"
Environment Ministry Re-Opens Children’s Zoo It is a space meant for small people. After three months of closure, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARENA) has reopened the Children’s Zoo, known as “Zooinfantil,” an area created with spaces for physical and hand-ons educational activities and entertainment for the entire family where children can learn … Continue reading "Environment Ministry Re-Opens Children’s Zoo"
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Administrative Changes in Dunas de Bani The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Omar Ramírez Tejada, put into effect several changes in the management of Dunas de Baní by naming, Isaías Fuentes to be the new, temporary administrator and by increasing from two to six the number of park rangers who will patrol day and … Continue reading "Administrative Changes in Dunas de Bani"
The Importance of Recycling Water in the Production of Aggregates Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Omar Ramírez Tejada, stressed the importance of using sustainable mining practices, mainly those which use water, when extracting and processing aggregates in order to reduce the levels of desertification and to avoid air pollution in the process. “The most … Continue reading "The Importance of Recycling Water in the Production of Aggregates"
FLACSO and the Autonomous University Sign Academic Cooperation Agreement The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) signed a cooperation agreement in which they both commit to develop and carry out the planning and implementation of academic activities in the area of Social Sciences. Both organizations commit … Continue reading "FLACSO and the Autonomous University Sign Academic Cooperation Agreement"
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Fourteen Heads of State Confirmed to Attend President Fernández’s Inauguration Fourteen Heads of State, the Prince of Asturias, two Vice-Presidents, Members of Congress and numerous representatives of International organizations have confirmed that they will attend President Leonel Fernández’s inauguration to be held on August 16 when President Fernández will complete his second consecutive term in … Continue reading "Fourteen Heads of State Confirmed to Attend President Fernández’s Inauguration"
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