Spanish Tourism Investments in Dominican Republic Continue to Grow Spanish tourism in the Dominican Republic has been on the rise for these past years, totaling some $2.155 billion dollars between 1993 and 2007, revealed Dominican Tourism Minister Félix Jiménez to a full auditorium made up of members of the Confederation of Andalusian Businesspeople and Spanish … Continue reading "Spanish Tourism Investments in Dominican Republic Continue to Grow"
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Millennium Objectives Commission and Cisneros Foundation to Develop a Program in Miches The President’s Commission on Millennium Objectives and the Cisneros Foundation will work in coordination to carry out a series of programs to improve the quality of life among residents of the Municipality of Miches. Mr. Gagain explained that a Millennium Objectives pilot project … Continue reading "Millennium Objectives Commission and Cisneros Foundation to Develop a Program in Miches"
President of ADEMI Bank Visits the Flower for Everyone Foundation ADEMI Bank president, Manuel Arsenio Ureña wanted to get to know Santo Domingo’s Chinatown and to begin the process of establishing a cooperation agreement, so he paid a visit to the offices of the Flower for Everyone Foundation. The ADEMI Bank president was accompanied by … Continue reading "President of ADEMI Bank Visits the Flower for Everyone Foundation"
First Asian Food Festival The Ministry of Tourism sponsored the First Asian Food Festival held in conjunction with the Flower for Everyone Foundation and representatives from the People’s Republic of China in the Dominican Republic. “the enthusiastic participation signals that this event should be institutionalized and held every year as a way of fomenting knowledge … Continue reading "First Asian Food Festival"
Dominican Government and IMF Sign New Monitoring Accord Dominican President Leonel Fernández and his economic team recently signed a monitoring agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “the most appropriate situation between the Fund and the country would be a post-program monitoring agreement which is what usually happens when IMF programs are successfully carried out … Continue reading "Dominican Government and IMF Sign New Monitoring Accord"
President to Lead IMF Meeting in July Dominican President Leonel Fernández will oversee a meeting between his economic team and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank (WB), the Economic Commission on Latin America (ECLAC), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The meeting is scheduled to be held … Continue reading "President to Lead IMF Meeting in July"
ADOEXPO to Carry out Training Projects The Association of Dominican Exporters (ADOEXPO) signed two agreements with the National Competitiveness Council (CNC) and the Apec University (UNAPEC) to carry out a teaching/training project in companies affiliated with the ADOEXPO. They will also promote initiatives, projects and plans of action that generate logistics training. …the CNC served … Continue reading "ADOEXPO to Carry out Training Projects"
Dominican Republic Promoted among Private US Aviation Companies With an eye to carving out a tourism niche among private airline companies, James Parker is in the Dominican Republic this week. Mr. Parker, invited by the government, is the main promoter of the Dominican tourism market for the United States, Canada and Mexico. “We are trying … Continue reading "Dominican Republic Promoted among Private US Aviation Companies"
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