Santo Domingo Hosts the XVI Annual Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean Concerned about the effects that global climate change is already having in the region and the fact that 40 percent of the forested surface is affected by deforestation and soil degradation, Environment Ministers from Latin America and … Continue reading "Santo Domingo Hosts the XVI Annual Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean"
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Tax Refunds Eased for ExportersThe General Direction of Internal Taxes (DGII) announced adjustments in its procedure for filing tax returns from the Transfer of Industrialized Products and Services (ITBIS), which will allow them to ease the refund process to exporters of exempt products as well as the implementation of refunds on other taxes established by … Continue reading "Tax Refunds Eased for Exporters"
Dominican Republic Participates in Annual Davos Economic Forum Director of the National Council for Competition (CNC), Andrés van der Horst, participated as a panelist, representing the Dominican Republic, in the Annual Davos Economic Forum along with other world experts in competition. Speakers included Michael Porter, Harvard Business School professor and director of the Institute for … Continue reading "Dominican Republic Participates in Annual Davos Economic Forum"
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Fiesta de nominaciones de los Casandra estará dedicada a Bartolito El próximo martes 12 de febrero se realizará la tradicional Fiesta de nominaciones a los Casandra, esta vez dedicada a Bartolito y Los Bravos del Son. En la actividad, que tendrá lugar en el Teatro La Fiesta del hotel Jaragua, a las 7:00 … Continue reading "Fiesta de nominaciones de los Casandra estará dedicada a Bartolito"
Cabarete to Host the Master of the Ocean 2008 in February Cabarete’s shores will soon be welcoming the best exhibitors in surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing. The 6th edition of the Snapple Master of the Ocean 2008 will take place February 27th –March 2nd thanks to Cadbury Schweppes Beverage Corporation Americas. If the third one’s the … Continue reading "Cabarete to Host the Master of the Ocean 2008 in February"
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