Program of Activities for the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009 The Activities Program of the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009 is ready. As part of a full menu of activities, there will be many events related to the life and work of Juan Bosch, the writer for whom this year’s … Continue reading "Program of Activities for the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009"
President Inaugurates XII International Book Fair Dominican President Leonel Fernández led the inauguration of the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo yesterday where organizers are expecting more than 650 participants, 240 of them international. There will be nearly 100 new books launched, most of which are Dominican. …complemented the opening event of the International … Continue reading "President Inaugurates XII International Book Fair"
A Group of 156 Dominican Students Will Attend University in the United States and Mexico As part of the scholarship program of the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Science and Technology, 156 Dominican students will attend universities in the United States and Mexico. In a ceremony in the Ambassadors’ Hall of the National … Continue reading "A Group of 156 Dominican Students Will Attend University in the United States and Mexico"
Government Declares 2008 Health Promotion YearThe Dominican government, through decree number 706-07, declared 2008 to be “The Year for the National Promotion of Health,” and instructed the Secretary of State for Public Health and Social Responsibility to develop a national program to include the widespread participation of the public and private sectors in carrying out … Continue reading "Government Declares 2008 Health Promotion Year"
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Drinking Water For All Program Announced The National Institute for Potable Water and Sewers (INAPA) announced the start of a program that will supply the entire population with safe and high quality drinking water which users will be able to access directly from their taps. With the aim of reaching the Millennium Development … Continue reading "Drinking Water For All Program Announced"
Dominican Artists To Paint Murals in Puerto Rico The Dominican-Puerto Rican Foundation and the Doña Ruth Basallo Artistic and Environmental Movement is organizing a painting exhibition called “The Mural Routes” that will open on January 14th in five municipalities in Puerto Rico – San Germán, Lajas, Hormigueros, Guanica, Ponce, San Juan, Mayagüez as well … Continue reading "Dominican Artists To Paint Murals in Puerto Rico"
Latin American Environmental Ministers to Meet in the Dominican Republic Representatives from 33 countries will meet in the Dominican Republic to examine the regional environmental situation at the XVI Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin American and the Caribbean to be held on November 8-14. Climate change, integrated ecosystems management, transversal … Continue reading "Latin American Environmental Ministers to Meet in the Dominican Republic"
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Excursion to Caribbean’s Highest Mountain, Pico Duarte, Suspended Due to Bad Weather The Secretary for the Environment has announced the temporary suspension of traditional seasonal excursions to Pico Duarte, the highest mountain in the Antilles region (3,175 meters or 10,417 feet) due to weather conditions affecting the country at this time. According to … Continue reading "Excursion to Caribbean’s Highest Mountain, Pico Duarte, Suspended Due to Bad Weather"
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