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García Cordero Exhibits His Work in Miami Dominican Artist José García Cordero, born in Santiago de los Caballeros in 1951 and a resident of Paris since 1977, is presenting his work in a one-man show in at the Gallery Walk in Miami’s Wynwood Art District until January 30. The name of his show is “Full … Continue reading "García"
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Invitation to a Christmas Event in Chinatown If you you’d like to spend and pleasant evening listening to Christmas Carols and seasonal songs, join us in Chinatown on Duarte St, corner of Mexico on Sunday December 16. We are holding a cultural presentation with the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Rondalla University and other … Continue reading "Invitation to a Christmas Event in Chinatown"
“Toys for Peace and Life” Campaign” Under the slogan, “Let’s play in Peace. Give Gifts of Life,” the Inter-Institutional Teaching for Peace Commission (CIEPAZ), made up of 25 governmental and non-governmental institutions, have launched a campaign to promote the buying and selling of educational toys as Christmas gifts as well as recreational games that do … Continue reading "“Toys for Peace and Life” Campaign”"
The Dominican American National Roundtable Launched Corporate Advisory Council The Dominican American National Roundtable (DANR) announced the launch of the DANR’s Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) during its 10th Anniversary National Conference held this weekend in Miami, Florida. The mission of the CAC is to build strong collaborations with corporations and government agencies in order to … Continue reading "The Dominican American National Roundtable Launched Corporate Advisory Council"
Public Health Officials Undertake a Flu Shot Program for Senior Citizens All Over Country On Thursday the Ministry of Public Health began a flu shot vaccination campaign for senior citizens. The campaign got underway in the Saint Francis of Assisi Home for the Aged in Santo Domingo. The information was released by Dr. Pedro Khoury, … Continue reading "Public Health Officials Undertake a Flu Shot Program for"
Meeting of National Slave Route Committees of Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic Conclude their Santo Domingo Meeting Santo Domingo, December 6, 2007— Last Wednesday December 5th concluded the successful meeting of the National Slave Route Committees of Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The groups gathered to evaluate the worked they’d done throughout the … Continue reading "Meeting of National Slave Route Committees of Cuba, Haiti and the"
The Government to Increase Budget for Local Governments by 1,300 Million The Dominican government has promised to increase the budgets for regional governments to the tune of 1,300 million pesos over the coming year, according to Fausto Ruiz president of the Dominican Federation of Municipal Governments (FEDOMU). He made this announcement after a meeting with … Continue reading "The Government to Increase Budget for Local Governments by 1,300 Million"
Dominican President Sends a Message of Peace and Prosperity To The Dominican Family President of the Republic, Leonel Fernández, sent a Christmas holiday message of peace, harmony and prosperity to the Dominican people. In his message, the president expressed his wish “that every Dominican, man woman and child in this country continue to realize their … Continue reading "Dominican President Sends a Message of Peace and Prosperity"
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