OAS Participates in Seminar for Legislators of Central America and Dominican Republic Legislators from Central America met in Boca Chica , Dominican Republic , September 19-21 to discuss the role of the legislature in the fight against corruption. The seminar provided a space for the exchange of ideas and the identification of legislative activities to … Continue reading "OAS Participates in Seminar for Legislators of Central America and Dominican Republic"
Children International realiza seminario-taller a Jóvenes Translation soon… Seminario-taller a Jóvenes Licenciada Kenia Sanabia en el Seminario-taller a Jóvenes Licenciada Kenia Sanabia Seminario-taller a Jóvenes
La DGII Instala Moderno Stand en EXPO CIBAO para Promover la Educación Tributaria Translation soon.. Stand de la DGII, niños aprenden el lado positivo de las obligaciones Stand de la DGII, niños aprenden el lado positivo de las obligaciones DEPARTAMENTO DE COMUNICACIÓN Y RELACIONES PÚBLICASDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE IMPUESTOS INTERNOSSEPTIEMBRE 26 DE 2007
Caminata contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad Translation soon… Coordinan: •Dominicanos por la Integridad•Red Dominicana Anticorrupción •Participación Ciudadana•Fundacion Institucionalidad y Justicia (FINJUS)•Consejo de Organizaciones de la Región Oriental (CORO) • Asociación Nacional de Jóvenes Empresarios (ANJE) • Coalición por la Transparencia y la Institucionalidad (CTI) • Comité Zona Norte del D.N. • Centro Juan XXIII• … Continue reading "Caminata contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad"
President Leonel Fernández Receives Global Leadership Award from Counterpart International Dominican President and Honorary President of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), Leonel Fernández, received a Global Leadership Award in recognition of his leadership, political goodwill and work benefiting disadvantaged populations in the Dominican Republic and abroad. … Continue reading "President Leonel Fernández Receives Global Leadership Award from Counterpart International"
Reserve Bank Publications Available on the Internet The Reserve Bank has announced that interested readers can download books, free of charge, published by this institution including those belonging to the Bibliophile Collections –BanReservas as well as independently published books. Readers need only to enter the bank’s website at: The books available in PDF format … Continue reading "Reserve Bank Publications Available on the Internet"
Children International – Santo Domingo and Citizen Participation (Participación Ciudadana – PC) Sign Agreement of CooperationChildren International – Santo Domingo and Citizen Participation subscribed an important agreement of inter institutional cooperation in projects of citizen education. The agreement was sealed by Mr. Rafael Manuel Mejía Perez, Executive Director of Children International – Santo Domingo and … Continue reading "Children International – Santo Domingo and Citizen Participation (Participación Ciudadana – PC) Sign Agreement of Cooperation"
Expo-Projection of Press Photos The Union of Dominican Photojournalists (UFD) is presenting its first Expo-Projection of Press Photographs to mark the international month of photography. This First Expo-Projection of Press Photographs is comprised of 534 photos taken by 17 photographers. This exhibition will show fragments of the truth of which we are daily witnesses, including … Continue reading "Expo-Projection of Press Photos"
Dominican Residents of New York for the First Festival of Santo Domingo The journalist Roberto Geronimo, coordinator in New York of the First Festival of Santo Domingo 2007 put forward a list of Dominican artists and residents in New York who might be interested in participating in what is sure to be the most ambitious … Continue reading "Dominican Residents of New York for the First Festival"
Great Personalities Up-Close: Alejo Carpentier The Cultural Center of Spain has the pleasure to invite you to a screening of an interview with: Alejo Carpentier, at their Tuesday Up-Close event. The event will be held at the Maria Ugarte Hall at 7:30 pm. The entrance is free. Information about activities: Cultural Center of Spain in … Continue reading "Great Personalities Up-Close: Alejo Carpentier"
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