Contest for Investigative Reporters based on the 200-04, Free Access to Public Information Law The Foundation for Institutionalism and Justice (FINJUS) and the Movement for Citizens Participation in coordination with the social communication departments within the country’s universities are sponsoring an Investigative Journalism Contest deriving from and to become familiar with the Free Access to … Continue reading "Download Spanish version of Flyer (PDF)>>"
The Dominican Republic’s National Youth Symphonic Orchestra Concert On September 20th, 2007 the Dominican Republic’s National Youth Symphonic Orchestra will give a concert in Aaron Davis Hall at the City College of New York. The concert is being held for New York’s Dominican community. For more information, please call (212) 650-7469
Gala for Winners of the XV International Piano Contest of Santander Paloma O’Shea The Symphony Foundation, together with the Secretary of State for Culture, with the patronage of La Cadena Supermarkets, announces the presentation of the First and Second prize winners of the XV International Piano Contest of Santander Paloma O’Shea, one of the most … Continue reading "Gala for Winners of the XV International Piano Contest of Santander Paloma O’Shea"
Dominican Students and Professors Leave for NASA On Saturday September 15, at 3:15 PM, the winning teams of the “MY TRIP TO NASA” contest, organized by the International Commission of Science and Technology Advisors to the President (CIACT), will travel to NASA. A total of 6 students and 2 professors will take part in a … Continue reading "Dominican Students and Professors Leave for NASA"
Photographic Exhibition: “From Santiago to Santiago” All are invited to a photographic exhibition “From Santiago to Santiago” where five members of GRUFOS will be participating. The photographers are: Anthony Grullón, Octavio Madera, Narciso Polanco, Máximo Tejada and Amaury Suárez. The photographs in the exhibition are all images from the city of Santiago de Cuba, taken … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Exposición Fotográfica “De Santiago A Santiago”"
Nestlé Completes Its Acquisition of Gerber Santo Domingo, Sept. 3 2007 – As a result of the successful conclusion of the regulatory process, Nestlé has completed its acquisition of Gerber, the iconic baby food brand. The August 31st acquisition will go into effect on September 1st. Consequently, the integration process will now begin as some … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Nestlé Completa la Compra de Gerber"
Convocatoria nacional del Programa de Becas UNESCO/L’OREAL para jóvenes científicas en Ciencias de la Vida 2008. Las becas se dirigen a jóvenes mujeres de no más de 35 años que se estén dedicando actualmente a la investigación en las áreas de Biología, Bioquímica, Biotecnología y Fisiología a través de un programa de doctorado o post-doctorado. Encontrarán … Continue reading "Convocatoria nacional del Programa de Becas UNESCO/L’OREAL para jóvenes científicas en Ciencias de la Vida 2008."
Opening of the First Convocation of Youth Development Program for Innovation and Social Action Buenos Aires, Argentina – Sept. 6, 2007 The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Microsoft Corporation and the Foundation for Sustainability, Education and Solidarity (SES) announced today that the first convocation of initiatives from youth organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean … Continue reading "Opening of the First Convocation of Youth Development Program for Innovation and Social Action"
SESPAS Announces: Operation Reconstructive Surgery The Secretary of State for Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS) announced today that beginning Monday September 10th until Thursday September 13th they will be undertaking Operation Reconstructive Surgery with the participation of a team of Plastic Surgeons from the Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Institute of Venezuela in conjunction with the … Continue reading "SESPAS Announces:"
Third Inter-American Video Art Biennial Art as an Independent Movement For the second time, the Cultural Center of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has chosen the Leon Center as the venue for the Third Inter-American Video Art Biennial. The video festival is open to all artists from the American continent as well as IDB member … Continue reading "Third Inter-American Video Art Biennial"
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