Santo Domingo, July 25, 2019 – The Dominican Republic is the first nation in the Caribbean to introduce a unique system that will register all initiatives that are being worked on locally to mitigate climate change. The system is being carried out through a virtual platform that will allow users to follow the efforts that … Continue reading "Dominican Government With UNDP Support Present Public Platform to Register Local Climate Change Initiatives"
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Santo Domingo, July 17, 2019 – The impact of new technologies on the restaurant industry was recently discussed by Diego Coquillat, an international expert on this important issue during a conference sponsored by the National Vocational Institute (INFOTEP). The goal of the event was to contribute to the innovation plans spearheaded by the country’s hotel … Continue reading "Technology Impacts International Industry of Restaurants"
Convocatoria del Premio Ecológico a la Siembra de Agua 2019 Santo Domingo, 16 de julio de 2019.-Entramos en la recta final de la sexta convocatoria del Premio Ecológico a la Siembra de Agua, el cual tiene como objetivo reconocer proyectos ejecutados para la conservación, preservación y uso sostenible del agua en todo el territorio nacional. … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Convocatoria del Premio Ecológico a la Siembra de Agua 2019"
Santo Domingo, July 15, 2019 – The National Institute for Teacher Training (Inafocam) announced that it will hold a series of events between July 15 and 19 to celebrate its 19th anniversary. The Institute’s main goal since its founding has been to train and continuously update teachers who work in the Dominican public education system. … Continue reading "National Institute for Teacher Training (INAFOCAM) to Celebrate its 19th Anniversary with Various Events"
Santo Domingo, July 8, 2019 – The General Film Directorate (DGCINE) formally announced the opening of the 8th Annual Public Film Contest sponsored by the Promotion of the Film Industry (FONPROCINE). FONPROCINE was founded through Law No. 108-10, and its goal is to encourage and strengthen the Dominican Republic’s film industry. Participants may submit their … Continue reading "Annual Public Film Contest FONPROCINE 2019 Will Receive New Entries Until August 2, 2019"
Santo Domingo, July 6, 2019 – On July 3 the “Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra” – (PUCMM) – one of the country’s most prestigious universities, held a press conference in Santo Domingo’s centrally located Novo Centro building, to announce that this year’s ‘The Shortest Week” festival will be held between July 22-26 at the … Continue reading "“The Shortest Week” Event, Sponsored by Local University, Will Feature 40 Short Audiovisual Productions Made by Students"
Santo Domingo, July 4, 2019 – The Ministry of Culture recently announced the winners of the Annual Literature Awards 2019, in its six categories. Each of the winning authors will receive a prize of US$5,000 and a Certificate of Honor. The awards, issued through the Ministry’s Literary Department, strengthen its believe in the importance of … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Announces Winners of Annual Literature Awards 2019"
Santo Domingo, July 5, 2019 – The Colonial Gate 4D Cinema announced that it is opening a new cultural space in its facility dedicated to the visual arts. The new hall will present seasonal exhibits that will be accompanied by related cultural activities. Argentinian audio visual, ceramicist and pottery artist Eliana Oliva will open her … Continue reading "The Colonial Gate 4D Cinema Will Present Visual Art Exhibit on “Girls of Fire”"
Santo Domingo, July 5, 2019 – On July 11, the date when Colombia will celebrate the bicentennial of its National Independence, the Dominican authorities announced that a special event will be held in the Colonial Zone’s Spanish Plaza to also commemorate this important date. The event organizers – the Colombian Embassy in the D.R., the … Continue reading "The Dominican Republic Will Celebrate the Bicentennial of Colombia’s Independence"
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