(Versión en español) Capital Americana realiza conciertos de navidad
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A Memorial Tribute Concert Honoring Doña Tilsia Brens, PianistNew York, 12/12/2010 The Association of Dominican Clasical Artists Inc., The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute and the Department os Music of the City College of New York are sponsory a Concert Honorinn Tilsia Brens, Pianist.
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USAID Supports Tree-Planting Project in San José de OcoaSanto Domingo, 12/10/2010 In an effort to raise the income levels of growers in the province of San José de Ocoa, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recently supported the project of “Planting fruit trees under irrigation associated with short cycle crops.” This initiative was carried … Continue reading “USAID Supports Tree-Planting Project in San José de Ocoa”