(Versión en español) Medio Ambiente entrega cheques a desalojados de Los Haitises
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USAID Encourages Competitiveness of Agricultural Pymes with Small Loans Santo Domingo, 8/28/2010 La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional firmó un Acuerdo de Garantía parcial de Cartera de Préstamos de 3.4 millones de dólares con el que se financiará préstamos a las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en la cadena de valor … Continue reading “USAID Encourages Competitiveness of Agricultural Pymes with Small Loans”
First Lady’s Office Launches Spaces of Hope Program Santo Domingo, 8/28/2010 On Wednesday, the Office of the First Lady, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, launched its new “Spaces of Hope” program. …centers are spaces of hope for poor and marginalized families because they provide the opportunity to counterbalance what they lack in their … Continue reading “First Lady’s Office Launches Spaces of Hope Program”
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