Santo Domingo, August 7, 2018 – Educator Carmen Esteva recently published her fifth book titled Cinco cuentos de la abuelita Calule (non-official translation: Grandmother Calule’s Five Short Stories), where she speaks of stories and situations faced by children and where she brings in her own personal childhood memories into this book of fiction.
The book launching event was held at the Pedro Mir Forum sponsored by Librería Cuesta, one of the country’s most important bookstores. Esteva presented her book of short stories under the pseudonym Abuelita Calule, the nickname given to her by her grandchildren. Dominican writer Ruth Herrera hosted the event.
Esteva has been writing from a very young age. She majored in education and held important management positions in several schools in Santo Domingo until she founded CEMEP, her own school.
Artist Kilia Llano illustrated the 63-page short story book. During the book presentation, Ms. Esteva explained: “Technology has contributed to the loss of our tradition to read stories to our families, and I want to go back to that period in time when parents read stories to their children every night.”
The short story book will be available at Librería Cuesta and in all EPK children’s stores in Santo Domingo and Santiago.
More on Carmen Esteva
Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, she began her studies at UNPHU University in 1971. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the university’s School of Education in 1976, with minors in Literature and Philosophy. Later on she completed a graduate degree in School Supervision at INTEC University. In 2003, in order to keep abreast of the new educational trends of the 21st century, she completed a Master in Computer Technology in Education at PUCMM University. In 2010 she completed an additional Masters online on New Technologies in Education from the Instituto Universitario, in Madrid, Spain. In 2012 she completed an online degree in Leadership, Quality and Management from the Monterrey Technological Institute in Mexico.
Between 1972 to 1978 she taught history and literature at the Colegio Santo Domingo. Later on she was named Primary School Academic Coordinator of Colegio Babeque. She also taught Spanish and Social Studies from 1978-1988. In Babeque High School she was in charge of Discipline from 1991 to 1993. Between 1993 until 1999 she was the Primary School Academic Coordinator of the school Colegio Hogar Montessori. In 1999 she founded the Montessori-based school CEMEP, introducing new methodologies. Since its very beginning, she has been the principal of CEMEP’s primary school. Currently, she divides her time between her educational responsibilities and her love for writing children’s books. To date, she has written four books: El Concurso de los Animales, published in 2013; El Letrero Mágico, published in 2015, Sonajero and A La Caza de un Cangrejo.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.