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Rafael Lantigua: “Reading opens the gate to the imagination” Santo Domingo, October 6, 2014 Ten ways in which a young person can develop a passion for reading was the keynote address that the former Minister of Culture, José Rafael Lantigua, delivered last Wednesday at the La Trinitaria auditorium of the Children and Youth Library of … Continue reading "Rafael Lantigua: “Reading opens the gate to the imagination”"
GFDD presents the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mi Tierra New York, October 5, 2014 Next Monday, October 6, 2014 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) will present the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mi Tierra. The event, also coordinated by the “Asociación de Barahoneros de Nueva York”, will take place at 6:00 pm … Continue reading "GFDD presents the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mi Tierra"
Music legends Rafael Solano and Johnny Ventura will be part of the event Dominican Get Together in Miami, Florida New York, October 3, 2014 Rafael Solano and Johnny Ventura, distinguished exponents of Dominican music, will be performing in Miami, Florida on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 6:30 pm at Miami Dade College in the Dominican … Continue reading "Music legends Rafael Solano and Johnny Ventura will be part of the event Dominican Get Together in Miami, Florida"
GFDD/FUNGLODE short films were screened at the 8th edition of the Dominican Book Fair in N.Y. New York, October 3, 2014 Various short films produced by the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), were presented on Saturday, September 27 as part of the 8th edition … Continue reading "GFDD/FUNGLODE short films were screened at the 8th edition of the Dominican Book Fair in N.Y."
Baní prepares to host the 10th Regional Book Fair of Peravia 2014, dedicated to Rafael Herrera Baní, October 3, 2014 Located 66 kilometers from Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is Baní, land of hardworking men and women who have distinguished themselves in the various disciplines of the arts, sports and literature.This city … Continue reading "Baní prepares to host the 10th Regional Book Fair of Peravia 2014, dedicated to Rafael Herrera"
Discover Puerto Plata MarketPlace 2014 opens successfully at Iberostar Costa Dorada Sant Domingo, October 3, 2014 The Third Annual Tourism Fair in Puerto Plata, known as “Discover Puerto Plata MarketPlace” opened successfully last night. The event is taking place from October 1st to the 3rd at the facilities of Iberostar Costa Dorada. It is being … Continue reading "Discover Puerto Plata MarketPlace 2014 opens successfully at Iberostar Costa Dorada"
8th Dominican Book Fair in New York Concludes Successfully New York, October 1, 2014 Thousands of lovers of books and culture who packed the 8th Dominican Book Fair in New York, which took place on September 26, 27 and 28 at the Gregorio Luperón High School, once more turned the Upper Manhattan in the cultural … Continue reading "8th Dominican Book Fair in New York Concludes Successfully"
Successful presence of GFDD / FUNGLODE at the 8th edition of the Dominican Book Fair, celebrated last weekend in N.Y. New York, September 30, 2014 The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) successfully participated in the 8th edition of the … Continue reading "Successful presence of GFDD / FUNGLODE at the 8th edition of the Dominican Book Fair, celebrated last weekend in N.Y."
This past Saturday the public enjoyed the Long Night of the Museums, Fall edition Santo Domingo, September 30, 2014 This free family event offered the public an abundant and varied artistic and cultural programming. Dozens of people gathered at various colonial buildings, starting at 9 am on Saturday, to participate in The Long Night of … Continue reading "This past Saturday the public enjoyed the Long Night of the Museums, Fall edition"
“La Locura de Juana, closes Pocket Theater” Santo Domingo, September 30, 2014 After three very successful weeks of great theater presentations, the V Ibero-American Pocket Theater 2014 of the Guloya Theater comes to its last week of performances. To conclude this event, Lorena Oliva takes the Otto Coro stage of the Guloya Theater with her … Continue reading "“La Locura de Juana, closes Pocket Theater”"
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