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GFDD Attends the 3rd Annual Plasticity ForumNew York, June 24, 2014 On June 24th, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) joined the 3rd Annual Plasticity Forum, a one-day event examining the future of plastic, innovations in design and materials, all aimed at preventing plastic from becoming a waste product. The forum, which kicked … Continue reading "GFDD Attends the 3rd Annual Plasticity Forum"
Culture will Commemorate the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Pedro Henríquez Ureña this ThursdaySanto Domingo, June 25, 2014 The program includes the symposium “Pedro Henríquez Ureña; extranjero en patrias” (Pedro Henriquez Ureña; a foreigner in homelands), by intellectuals Leila Guerriero, from Argentina, and Andrés L. Mateo, from the Dominican Republic. On the occasion of … Continue reading "Culture will Commemorate the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Pedro Henríquez Ureña this Thursday"
“The Long Night of the Museums Summer Edition”, an Encounter with the National IdentitySanto Domingo, June 23, 2014 This successful event proved that museums are no longer seen as boring places, but as spaces turned into the focus of attention not only of foreign tourists, but also of the local public. Each edition of “The … Continue reading "“The Long Night of the Museums Summer Edition”, an Encounter with the National Identity"
The film “Al Sur de la Inocencia” (To the South of Innocence) Successfully Kicks Off the Third Dominican Film Festival in New York.Santo Domingo, June 20, 2014 The Third Dominican Film Festival in New York opened with the full support of the Latino community and especially the Dominican community in the Big Apple. Filmmakers, actors, … Continue reading "The film “Al Sur de la Inocencia” (To the South of Innocence) Successfully Kicks Off the Third Dominican Film Festival in New York."
“A Century of Modern Art in the Dominican Republic”, a selection from the Fernando Báez Guerrero Collection at MAMSanto Domingo, June 19, 2014 The Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), will open on June 25th, at 7 pm, the exhibition “Fernando Báez Guerrero Collection / A Century of Modern … Continue reading "“A Century of Modern Art in the Dominican Republic”, a selection from the Fernando Báez Guerrero Collection at MAM"
Debut of Soprano of Teatro Orquestal Dominicano AnnouncedSanto Domingo, June 17, 2014 The fact that she was a blind person was not an obstacle for Janette Márquez to show extraordinary abilities for music and singing since childhood. The Ministry of Culture will sponsor the concert for the official presentation of soprano vocalist Janette Márquez Valerio, … Continue reading "Debut of Soprano of Teatro Orquestal Dominicano Announced"
Dominican Wins Prize at the Madrid Book FairMadrid, España, June 16, 2014 José Enrique Delmonte Soñé was awarded the Ibero-American Poetry Prize for his set of poems “Once palabras que mueven tu mundo” (Eleven words that move your world). Dominican writer José Enrique Delmonte Soñé was awarded the Ibero-American Poetry Prize, in the context of … Continue reading "Dominican Wins Prize at the Madrid Book Fair"
Ministry of Culture announces “The Long Night of the Museums Summer Edition”Santo Domingo, June 16, 2014 This installment, to be held next Saturday, June 21st, will focus on music and dance, their evolution and contributions. The Ministry of Culture, through the Vice Ministry of Cultural Heritage, will hold on Saturday, June 21st “The Long Night … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture announces “The Long Night of the Museums Summer Edition”"
GFDD Short Film Wins the 2nd Place Fan Coral Award at the Reef Renaissance Film Festival AwardedNew York, June 10, 2014 Garbage or Resource – A Dominican Republic Experience won the 2nd Place Fan Coral Award in the Documentary Short category at the Reef Renaissance Film Festival last Sunday, June 8th in St. Thomas, Virgin … Continue reading "GFDD Short Film Wins the 2nd Place Fan Coral Award at the Reef Renaissance Film Festival Awarded"
Editorial Santillana launches new book “The New Dominican Cuisine by The Chef”, Rosa María GómezSanto Domingo, June 12, 2014 A book that revolutionizes and upgrades the Dominican gastronomy. Editorial Santillana and its brand Aguilar announce the launch of the book The New Dominican Cuisine of The Chef, by Rosa María Gómez. The inauguration will take … Continue reading "Editorial Santillana launches new book “The New Dominican Cuisine by The Chef”, Rosa María Gómez"
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