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Buen Vivir Productions 5th Annual Healthy Lunch Children’s FestivalSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 05/22/2013 This activity is focused around the campaign “No to Childhood Stress,”scheduled to take place Saturday, May 25th in the Megacentro and will be totally FREE for the whole family. Childhood stress is a global problem, and Latin America is one of the … Continue reading "Buen Vivir Productions 5th Annual Healthy Lunch Children’s Festival"
Alfaguara Children’s Books Launches “Prietica” by Marianela MedranoSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 5/21/2013 The Monseñor Novel Writer’s Union and AlfaguaraChildren’s Books are pleased to invite you to the launch of Marianela Medrano’s new book, “Prietica,” to be held in Bonao. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday May 23, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the … Continue reading "Alfaguara Children’s Books Launches “Prietica” by Marianela Medrano"
Economic Food Centers and UASD Sign Agreement to Benefit StudentsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 05/20/2013 The state-run Economic Food Centers and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) signed a cooperation agreement that will benefit students with limited resources on its campuses, centers and regional sub-centers by giving out free meals to students who are attending … Continue reading "Economic Food Centers and UASD Sign Agreement to Benefit Students"
Dante Cucurullo and Darwin Aquino Praise Creation of Theater Orchestra Comprised of Musicians with HandicapsSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 5/20/2013 The creation of the Theater Orchestra Dominicano(TODO in Spanish) was praised as a step forward for national art and music by orchestra directors Dante Cucurrulo and Darwin Aquino who concur that the orchestra takes into account … Continue reading "Dante Cucurullo and Darwin Aquino Praise Creation of Theater Orchestra Comprised of Musicians with Handicaps"
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Call for Musicians to Join the 2013 Music FestivalSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 5/19/2013 The Alliance Française of Santo Domingo invite all professional and amateur musicians to participate in the biggest musical event in the world. The Music Festival will be held in Santo Domingo on Saturday June 22 in various place, parks and streets in … Continue reading "Call for Musicians to Join the 2013 Music Festival"
Sergio Gobbi Announces the Start of Dominican Film La ExtrañaSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 05/19/2013 French producer Sergio Gobbi and his CompañíaInternacionalDominicana (CID) in conjunction with Joan Giacinti and Leo Proaño, announced that filming is underway of his second Dominican film La Extraña, to be directed by Leticia Tonos. Filming is scheduled to start in June … Continue reading "Sergio Gobbi Announces the Start of Dominican Film La Extraña"
Diseño de pupitre que ganó concurso entra en la fase de revisiónDominican Republic, Santo Domingo 04/15/13 The Ministry of Education (MINERD) underscored the transparency of the selection process of the Dominican Desk DesignAward and the highly professional work performed by the jury, which consisted of experts and representatives of accredited organizations. MINERD highlighted the qualities … Continue reading "Diseño de pupitre que ganó concurso entra en la fase de revisión"
Internal Revenue Office Maintains Tax Breaks in Place for Agricultural SectorSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic 5/16/2013 An explanation of the tax provisions is contained in General Tax Regulation 01-13, published on Monday in the National Press. This deals with measures relating to exemptions for the payment of anticipated amounts of income, asset and withholding tax as … Continue reading "Internal Revenue Office Maintains Tax Breaks in Place for Agricultural Sector"
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