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Public Institutions Save More than 8 Million Kilowatt Hours Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 06/18/2011 The President of the Energy Commission, Enrique Ramírez, announced that from March to May, the Government saved more than 8 million kilowatt hours of electricity due to the fact that 17 institutions are implementing the Energy Efficiency and Savings Program. “We … Continue reading "Public Institutions Save More than 8 Million Kilowatt Hours"
GMO Holds Film Law Forum: “Investment Perspective” Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/18/2011 Leonel Melo Guerrero, General Director of GMO, a consulting firm, stressed that the Film Law, passed last Tuesday by the Executive Branch and by Presidential Decree number 370-11, which establishes regulations for its implementation, creates a new legal framework that will improve growth … Continue reading "GMO Holds Film Law Forum: “Investment Perspective”"
El Museo de Arte Moderno se complace en presentarles en esta ocasión República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 17/06/2011 El Campamento de Verano:Verano Creativo 2011 Del 4 al 30 de Julio del 2011, en el Museo de Arte Moderno. Para niños de 5 a 14 años. Horario: 8:00a.m. – 1:30p.m. Costo: RD$6,000.00 (Incluye todos los Materiales). En … Continue reading "El Museo de Arte Moderno se complace en presentarles en esta ocasión"
Three New Schools Opened in Azua and San Cristobal Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/17/2011 The Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel, inaugurated two schools in Azua and one in San Cristobal on Wednesday, out of a total of 11, which are part of a program of school openings that began on Friday June 10th and will … Continue reading "Three New Schools Opened in Azua and San Cristobal"
First Lady delivers the Niño Jesus Nutrition CenterDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/17/2011 The Office of the First Lady works nationally with nutrition specialists to train mothers on how to feed their families according to their budgets During the ceremony, Dr. Cedeño de Fernández said that the center will provide families in the community with direction … Continue reading "First Lady delivers the Niño Jesus Nutrition Center"
President Fernandez travels to Jordan, Palestine and IsraelDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/17/2011 The President of the Republic, Leonel Fernandez, is traveling to Jordan and Israel and to the city of Ramallah, where he will follow an intense work agenda that includes meetings with the President of the Palestinian Authority, with King Abdullah ibn Al Hussein, … Continue reading "President Fernandez travels to Jordan, Palestine and Israel"
Headway Being Made in Plans to Recuperate Lost School Hours Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/18/2011 The Ministry of Education (MINERD in Spanish) reported that plans for the recuperation of lost school hours are moving forward according to the calendar established by each one of the school districts that have reported a loss of classes. The … Continue reading "Headway Being Made in Plans to Recuperate Lost School Hours"
300,000 estudiantes convocados a las Pruebas NacionalesRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 18/06/2011 El Ministerio de Educación (MINERD) convocó a Pruebas Nacionales Generales correspondientes al presente año escolar, en una primera convocatoria, a más de 300,000 estudiantes de los niveles Básico y Medio, en sus diferentes modalidades, de acuerdo con un calendario que se iniciará el próximo … Continue reading "300,000 estudiantes convocados a las Pruebas Nacionales"
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 06/18/2011 The Ministry of Environment commemorated World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought with an event that called attention to how desertification can be confronted effectively with key solutions and tools as well as the effective participation of communities, governments and international cooperation. Minister … Continue reading "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought"
Exhibitions for the Whole Family at the VII International Theater Festival Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/18/2011 The Dominican public will have a unique opportunity to enjoy three different exhibitions about life in the theater and one traveling demonstration of puppets, marionettes and animated figures from around Latin America. The exhibitions are part of the VII … Continue reading "Exhibitions for the Whole Family at the VII International Theater Festival"
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