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Condecoran al jurista José Silié Gatón con la Orden del Mérito de DuarteRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 El presidente de la República, Leonel Fernández, condecoró a José Silié Gatón, doctor en Derecho, con la Orden del Mérito de Duarte, Sánchez y Mella, en el Grado de Comendador, por su trayectoria profesional y de vida. “Para … Continue reading "Condecoran al jurista José Silié Gatón con la Orden del Mérito de Duarte"
President Orders Assistance to Communities Affected by RainstormsDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 President Leonel Fernández ordered assistance to those communities affected by the recent rainstorms that have drenched the entire country, damaging the agricultural sector and homes, making thousands homeless in the provinces of Sánchez Ramírez, Santiago and Dajabón. Calderón indicated that assistance to the … Continue reading "President Orders Assistance to Communities Affected by Rainstorms"
Eleven Countries and Many Groups to Attend VII International Theater Festival Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 A total of 45 theater groups from 11 countries will take part this year in the VII International Theater Festival of Santo Domingo which will begin on Thursday June 16 until Sunday June 26. The Festival is being organized … Continue reading "Eleven Countries and Many Groups to Attend VII International Theater Festival"
La Bolsa Turística del Caribe se celebrará entre el 16 y el 18 de junioRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 La Bolsa Turística del Caribe (BTC), que llega este año a su quinta edición, se celebrará entre el 16 y 18 de junio. La BTC albergará simultáneamente la ‘Primera Expo Turismo Inmobiliario& Marinas’, dedicada a la … Continue reading "La Bolsa Turística del Caribe se celebrará entre el 16 y el 18 de junio"
Pleading for institutional strengthening against money launderingDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 Colombian attorney Beatriz Arenas Montalvo, an expert in the fight against money laundering, called on all countries to strengthen their institutions and to maintain continuous monitoring and tracking, through a change of behavior of its employees vis-à-vis their duties. In her view, the increasing … Continue reading "Pleading for institutional strengthening against money laundering"
Poder Ejecutivo designa director y subdirector de DIGENORRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 El Poder Ejecutivo nombró mediante decreto un nuevo director y subdirector en Normas y Sistemas de Calidad (DIGENOR). Con el decreto 334-11, se designa al ingeniero Manuel Guerrero como director de Normas y Sistemas de Calidad (DIGENOR), en sustitución de Julio Santana, quien … Continue reading "Poder Ejecutivo designa director y subdirector de DIGENOR"
The President Congratulates the President-elect of Peru, Ollanta HumalaDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 President Leonel Fernandez congratulated the President-elect of Peru, Ollanta Humala, for the victory achieved at the polls during last Sunday’s presidential election. “Through you, I convey my congratulations to the people of Peru, which starts a new democratic process in its republican … Continue reading "The President Congratulates the President-elect of Peru, Ollanta Humala"
Temporada de Derecho Francés y la Justicia 2011 República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 La Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura (ENJ) inició el pasado lunes la “Temporada de Derecho Francés y la Justicia 2011”, actividad organizada en colaboración con la Embajada de Francia en República Dominicana, la Escuela Nacional de la Magistratura Francesa y la Alianza Francesa de Santo Domingo. … Continue reading "Temporada de Derecho Francés y la Justicia 2011"
World Bank Experts Evaluate Project for Strengthening Early Childhood EducationDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 06/10/2011 Experts from the World Bank are in the country for a week to evaluate the project Strengthening Early Childhood Education (PROFEI, for its acronym in Spanish), according to the Ministry of Education (MINERD). The World Bank experts, together with MINERD officials … Continue reading "World Bank Experts Evaluate Project for Strengthening Early Childhood Education"
Entregan el Premio Nacional de Periodismo a Minerva IsaRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 10/06/2011 El presidente de la República, Leonel Fernández, entregó el Premio Nacional de Periodismo 2011 a la periodista Minerva Isa, del periódico Hoy, por su seriedad, aportes a la investigación periodística y su responsabilidad social. “con su discreción característica, su laboriosidad silenciosa como … Continue reading "Entregan el Premio Nacional de Periodismo a Minerva Isa"
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