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Education Ministry Offers 400 Scholarships to Study EducationDominican Republic, Santo Domingo,05/25/2011 The Ministry of Education, through the National Institute for the Training and Preparation of Teachers (INAFOCAM), announced the availability of 400 scholarships on offer this year to college graduates with majors in other areas who wish to get into teaching in the Dominican school … Continue reading "Education Ministry Offers 400 Scholarships to Study Education"
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Municipal Gender Audit Program Launched Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/25/2011 The Ministry of Women and the Progressio Foundation, with support from UN Women and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), launched the Municipal Gender Audit Program (MAG in Spanish): A Practical Application Guide in the Municipalities of the Dominican Republic, with the goal of promoting … Continue reading "Municipal Gender Audit Program Launched"
Culture Ministry to Publish Four Books on the Execution of TrujilloRepública Dominicana, Santo Domingo, 25/05/2011 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) will publish four new books to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the patriotic deed that took place on May 30, 1961 with the execution of Trujillo. The books will come out under the National Publishing … Continue reading "Culture Ministry to Publish Four Books on the Execution of Trujillo"
In every small town, all people of the world can be found Exhibition by Vicente HernándezDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 24/05/2011 Vicente Hernández was born in Batabanó, Cuba on November 9, 1971. He did his early studies in painting at the elementary school in his province from 1983 to 1986. In 1994, he earned a degree … Continue reading "In every small town, all people of the world can be found"
Fantine, Outstanding Talent Debuts in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 24/05/2011 Dominican singer, Fantine, gave her first official public appearance at the Cantina del Agave in Santo Domingo. With the natural timbre of her voice, this fascinating singer fuses a multicultural mix of Indie, Pop and Electro Soul while not forgetting her organic essence … Continue reading "Fantine, Outstanding Talent Debuts in Santo Domingo"
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Campaign is launched to promote discipline and healthy living in schools Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 23/05/2011 The National Council for Childhood and Adolescence (CONANI) and the Ministry of Education (MINERD) presented the national campaign to promote the Standards of the Dominican Education System for School Living and Discipline in Public and Private Educational Institutions. … Continue reading "Campaign is launched to promote discipline and healthy living in schools"
Presenting the new virtual office of the Internal RevenueDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/23/2011 Speaking before dozens of Dominican business leaders, the Director General of the Internal Revenue, Juan Hernandez, showed the levels of modernity that the institution he leads has achieved, outlining the historical process experienced by the DGII, which started as an informal institution … Continue reading "Presenting the new virtual office of the Internal Revenue"
Center for Dominican-Haitian Research OpensDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/23/2011 The Dominican Churches Social Services (SSID) and the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC) have launched the Center for Dominican-Haitian Research (CEDH), which will carry out research and educational activities through the Academic Business Area (AAN), part of INTEC. At the signing of the agreement, the … Continue reading "Center for Dominican-Haitian Research Opens"
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