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Eugenio Perez Montas is honored at the International Book Fair Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 24/05/2011 He led the architectural reconstruction of the Colonial City; among his main restorations are: the Museo de las Casas Reales (the Royal Museum), the Catedral Primada de América (the First American Cathedral), and the Alcázar de Colón (Columbus Alcazar). A … Continue reading "Eugenio Perez Montas is honored at the International Book Fair"
Book Fair Presents Dienteleche Collection Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/24/2011 The Directorate General of the Book Fair and the Ministry of Culture presented the book “Por el Cielo de las Islas,” part of the Dienteleche collection, before dozens of children and young people in attendance. The Head of State stressed that the Dominican Republic is … Continue reading "(Versión en español) Feria del Libro presenta colección Dienteleche"
Workshop on Managing E-Books Offered at International Book FairDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/22/2011 The General Management of Books and Reading of the Ministry of Culture offered a workshop titled “The electronic book: Finally, what I always wanted to know. Tools to understand what it is, how it works and what they are for.” The workshop … Continue reading "Workshop on Managing E-Books Offered at International Book Fair"
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A cultural Portrait of de Dominican Republic.Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/19/2011 Dominican Studies Institute cordially invites you to “A cultural Portrait of de Dominican Republic.” A photographic exploration of he country’s cultural and natural beauty through the portrait and landscape photography of Katherine Taylor.Register Online for this event or call 212.650.7496 On viewMay 27 … Continue reading "A cultural Portrait of de Dominican Republic."
Santillana Publishing Group Activities in the Final Days of the Book FairDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/19/2011 Both activities come with the Taurus publishing seal: a discussion on “Ill Fares the Land” by the late British historian Tony Judt on Wednesday May 25 at the Pedro Mir Forum and the launch of “Oxidente. Acerca de la … Continue reading "Santillana Publishing Group Activities in the Final Days of the Book Fair"
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The book “Roma Inaudita” (Rome Unprecedented) is released at the Book Fair Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/18/2011 The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate General of the XIV International Book Fair, released into circulation the book entitled “Roma Inaudita” (Rome Unprecedented), written by Dr. Carlos Dobal Márquez. The book introduction was made by architect Cesar … Continue reading "The book “Roma Inaudita” (Rome Unprecedented) is released at the Book Fair"
Manuel Arsenio Ureña assumed leadership of the Mirador del Oeste Park Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/18/2011 Businessman Manuel Arsenio Ureña was sworn in this Wednesday as director of the Mirador del Oeste Park, a beautiful protected area located in the surrounding area of the Haina river lower basin. The inauguration was led by Dr. Jaime … Continue reading "Manuel Arsenio Ureña assumed leadership of the Mirador del Oeste Park"
Book Fair delights audiences with street theaterDominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/18/2011 The biggest Dominican book party not only offers visitors a loaded schedule of conferences, symposia, workshops for children, shows, among other attractions; you can also enjoy the performance of one of the plays presented by young artist. These works are: Corazón del Pueblo (People’s … Continue reading "Book Fair delights audiences with street theater"
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