(Versión en español) Concurso culinario Bacalao en navidad
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Despacho de la Primera Dama entrega BiblioRuedas a diferentes comunidades rurales del país La Primera Dama de la República, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, entregó tres unidades de BiblioRuedas a comunidades rurales del país, en un acto realizado en la nueva Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil República Dominicana, con la finalidad de crear un amplio programa de … Continue reading "Despacho de la Primera Dama entrega BiblioRuedas a diferentes comunidades rurales del país"
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Civil Aviation and Central American Aviation Authorities Sign Agreement to Install Comprehensive Security Coordination Systems Authorities from the Dominican Aviation Institute (IDAC in Spanish) and the Central American Corporation of Air Navigation Services (COCESNA in Spanish) signed a computer services contract for the implementation of a comprehensive security coordination system. “This agreement is of special … Continue reading "Civil Aviation and Central American Aviation Authorities Sign Agreement to Install Comprehensive Security Coordination Systems"
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Mariavelia Savino to Discuss the Influence of African Art in the Americas “The Influence of African Art in the Americas” is the title of the conference to be given next Tuesday, June 9th by international curator and architect Mariavelia Savino. Her exhibitions have been written up and commented upon in the New York Times, Miami … Continue reading "Mariavelia Savino to Discuss the Influence of African Art in the Americas"
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RD$360 Million to be Invested in Fulfilling Environmental Requirements of RD-CAFTA The US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARENA), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology (INTEC in Spanish) launched the Environmental Protection Program which will facilitate the Dominican Republic in its efforts to … Continue reading "RD$360 Million to be Invested in Fulfilling Environmental Requirements of RD-CAFTA"
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