(Versión en español) Concurso culinario Bacalao en navidad
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Government Expresses Sorrow to Italian Authorities for Tragedy Provoked by Earthquake The Dominican government expressed sympathy and solidarity on Tuesday with Italy upon news of the deaths of more than 200 people following the earthquake that hit L’Aquila, in central Italy. The quake has been classified as the deadliest to hit in recent decades. “In … Continue reading "Government Expresses Sorrow to Italian Authorities for Tragedy Provoked by Earthquake"
PerforMar 2009, the manifestation of the art of action The Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health announced a plan to implement a series of strategies to optimize the quality of food consumed by tourists who visit the Dominican Republic as well as a general improvement in environmental health. This … Continue reading "PerforMar 2009, the manifestation of the art of action"
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Book Fair organization kicks off: Coordinators hold their first meeting Organization of the XII International Book Fair of Santo Domingo 2009 has formally gotten underway with the installation of a large team of coordinators who will take charge of managing the various areas of this huge cultural event. The International Book Fair of Santo Domingo … Continue reading "Book Fair organization kicks off: Coordinators hold their first meeting"
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13 important writers to be honored this year with special days and street dedications Those honored will have streets and passageways in the fairgrounds named after them. There will also be symposiums, readings and discussions in their honor. The naming of streets in the book fairgrounds after authors or narrators will take place every day … Continue reading "13 important writers to be honored this year with special days and street dedications"
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23 new books will be presented at the Book Fair The new books, in various genres, were printed by the publishing units of the Ministry of Culture for the Book Fair, opening in April A total of 23 books will be presented at the XII International Book Fair as part of an intense program underway … Continue reading "23 new books will be presented at the Book Fair"
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