(Versión en español) Concurso culinario Bacalao en navidad
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Dionisio Blanco and his Homage to Music and the Earth The sculptural ensemble “Homage to Music, Homage to the Earth” made of cast bronze made by Dionisio Blanco, artist from San Cristobal, was unveiled in the “Piedras Vivas” Park. The show, comprised of four large sculptures and two bas-reliefs, sits in the public space in … Continue reading "Dionisio Blanco and his Homage to Music and the Earth"
Music to Cure Your Soul at the Closure of the II Dominican Global Film Festival (Santo Domingo, November 24, 2008). A group of men and women, mostly octogenarians, were doing what they always do to get out of their daily routines and to have fun singing. But they don´t sing just for pleasure; they are … Continue reading "Music to Cure Your Soul at the Closure of the II Dominican Global Film Festival"
Meeting of Labor Observer Networks Favor Creating Public Policy Dominican Tourism Minister, Francisco Javier García, recently proclaimed that “the moment has come for Las Terrenas to radically change” into a model tourism area. To further that goal, the Minister has announced the undertaking of important construction projects to be developed by the Executive Committee of … Continue reading "Meeting of Labor Observer Networks Favor Creating Public Policy"
Environment Ministry Gives RD$6.4 Million to Families Evacuated from Haitises National Park Jaime David Fernández Mirabal, Minister of Environment, gave RD$6,455,218 to 119 families who were evacuated from the Los Haitises National Park when it was turned into a protected area in 1992. This handover of money is the second this year and fulfills the … Continue reading "Environment Ministry Gives RD$6.4 Million to Families Evacuated from Haitises National Park"
The Caribbean Syncretism of Sacha Tebó´s Work “The Painting of Sacha Tebó as Poetry of the Archetypes” opened at the Arawak Art Gallery. The show, which includes the artist´s representative work, consists of fourteen paintings and drawings done in the encaustic medium, a hot wax-based medium, and four sculptures in bronze and aluminum. Tebó has … Continue reading "The Caribbean Syncretism of Sacha Tebó´s Work"
Dominican Senate Pays Tribute to the Leon Center As part of the fifth anniversary commemoration of the Leon Center, the Dominican Senate has rendered official recognition of this cultural institution for the support it has given to the “comprehensive promotion and dissemination of culture, art, the environment and the country´s civic and national values.” “The … Continue reading "Dominican Senate Pays Tribute to the Leon Center"
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President of Free Zones Association Calls for New Export Regulations Fernando Capellán, President of the Dominican Free Zones Association (ADOZONA), argued for the creation of a new legal statute pertaining to the promotion of national exports that would allow the country to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by the international market. “The country … Continue reading "President of Free Zones Association Calls for New Export Regulations"
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