Santo Domingo, July 20, 2018 – The Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Margarita Cedeño, and the Dominican Children and Youth Library (BIJRD) headed a special event this past Wednesday to honor the winners of the “Professor Juan Bosch Eighth Reading Olympics”, an initiative sponsored by the Office of the Vice President.
In what has now become a traditional annual event, Vice President Cedeño’s goal is to develop in all participants the habit of reading and writing, as well as promote the ethical values of the illustrious and internationally recognized writer and politician Professor Juan Bosch. The participants also read some of the major works of Dominican writers Virgilio Díaz Grullón, Pedro Peix, Jeannette Miller, René del Risco Bermúdez and other important national and international writers.
Three hundred and forty seven students participated in this event. They analyzed 181 short stories and completed 2,229 reading assignments, confirmed through supervised visits carried out for an entire month by designated professionals in the special Reading areas designated at the BIJRD.
The winners received medals, laptops and tablets.
AT the event, held at the BIJRD Auditorium, Director Dulce Elvira de los Santos indicated that the best legacy one can leave future generations is the information they acquire through reading.
“We are truly surprised by the quality of these young participants, the efforts they put into the initiative and how they related the reading material to the moment in history lived by Juan Bosch as well as to current times.”
Eight year old Ruth Yva Kens Paul, who delivered words of appreciation, explained that it was exciting and fun to participate in the contest. She also expressed how her love for books increased thanks to the experience.
“Aside from the short stories I read, I learned to share with my friends, to be kind, obedient and to take care of the environment. When someone asks me why I like to read I tell them: I like to read because I learn and it is fun.”
In the seven to nine age category the first place winner was Ruth Yva Kens Paul; Esther Coral Estrella Castillo received the second place award, and the third place award went to Hailey Anaya Acosta Rojas.
In the 10-12 age category, first place winner was María Victoria César Taveras; Marielis Calderón received second place, and third place went to Yleander Plasencia Mejía.
In the 13-15 age category, first place winner was Asys Brito; Anabella Pellerano, second place, and in third place Braulio Caraballo.
In the 16-18 age category, María Gabriela Mañón, Isaac Vicente and Yanery de la Cruz Suero received first, second and third place awards, respectively.
Ruth Yva and María Gabriela delivered remarks in the name of all participants.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.