(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Santo Domingo, July 3, 2018 – The annual TASTE SANTO DOMINGO Festival, the first and most traditional event hosted by the country’s food and drink sectors, recently wrapped up its delicious ninth annual event in Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone. For three straight days the Zone became the gastronomic city of the Dominican Republic. Thousands of … Continue reading "Dominican Cuisine Takes over Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone During TASTE 2018 Gastronomic Festival"
It is the Only Plaza of its Kind in the Dominican Republic to Honor Regional Baseball Team Santiago, July 2, 2018 – Outstretched wings, sharp claws, a steady gaze and overall impressive postures define the four wooden eagles sculpted by Dominican artist Wandy Casilla. The statutes represent the beautiful and majestic eagle, the magnificent bird … Continue reading "Baseball Fans Rejoice over Opening of Águilas Cibaeñas Plaza in Santiago, the Country’s Second Largest City"
Acclaimed artist from the Dominican Republic to be featured in Washington DC solo exhibition WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 29, 2018.- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Staff Association Art Gallery will open a new exhibition featuring Dominican artist Paula Saneaux starting July 10, with an opening reception that evening, and will be on display through August … Continue reading "Paula Saneaux’s ‘Corpus & Auto-Objectification’ to Open July 10th"
Santo Domingo, June 29, 2018 – Santo Domingo’s beautiful Colonial Zone will host this year’s “Taste 2018” food festival. This ninth annual event will be held beginning Friday, June 29 through Sunday, July 1. Visitors to the fair will be able to enjoy and participate in the following activities, just to mention a few: Master … Continue reading "Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone Will Host this Year’s Gastronomy Festival “Taste 2018”"
Santo Domingo, June 28, 2018 – In a memorable event held to highlight the literary legacy of the author of Una mujer está sola (A Woman is Alone, unofficial translation), the Ministry of Culture posthumously honored Dominican poet Aída Cartagena Portalatín on what would have been her 100th anniversary. The event was organized by the … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Honors Dominican Poet on Her Centennial Anniversary of her Birth"
For some time now, Dominican citizens have been able to check information on their outstanding traffic violations through the website: https://portal.servicios.pgr.gob.do/ConsultasCiudadano/. But few know that it is already possible to pay their fines on line as well. If you have some pending traffic violations and do not have time to do it personally*, you can pay … Continue reading "It is possible to pay AMET fines online!"
Santo Domingo, June 26, 2018 – The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate of Books and Reading, revealed the names of the winners of the Annual Literature Awards during a ceremony held at the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Library. Through this literary contest, the Ministry of Culture promotes literature and its importance in the Dominican Republic. … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Announces Winners of Annual Literature Awards 2018"
La Romana, June 25, 2018 – During the entire month of July the world renowned Caribbean tourism resort Casa de Campo Resort & Villas will celebrate for a third consecutive year the “Flavors of the World” gastronomic event, organized to celebrate the gastronomy of Latin America. For the first time the event will highlight the … Continue reading "Casa de Campo Celebrates “Flavors of the World” by Highlighting Bolivian Cuisine"
Santo Domingo, June 21, 2018 – Chef Leandro Díaz recently revealed that if Dominican hotels added a greater variety of local cuisine to the menus offered to tourists in the “all inclusive” packages, it would improve the quality of service, strengthen national production, and increase the reasons why people would want to travel to the … Continue reading "Dominican Cuisine Could Attract More Visitors to the Country"
Santo Domingo, June 19, 2018 – This Friday, June 22, the popular Fiesta Sunset Jazz – now nearing its ninth season – will feature singer Anthony Jefferson and his “Summertime!!!” concert. The renowned singer, with his special velvet voice, talent and charisma – that he masterfully brands on each of his performances – will include … Continue reading "Anthony Jefferson With a Special Concert at the Fiesta Sunset Jazz"
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