(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Puerto Plata presented its credentials at The Boston Glove Travel Show Boston, February 22, 2016 Puerto Plata promotes once again its tourist proposal on The Boston Glove Travel Show, the international fair held from 19 to 21 February at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. The presence of this destination at the fair was … Continue reading "Puerto Plata presented its credentials at The Boston Glove Travel Show"
Culture and Sabores Dominicanos Launch the “Gastronomía RD20-20” Proposal Santo Domingo, February 24, 2016 Sabores Dominicanos Foundation and the Ministry of Culture launched their “Gastronomy RD 20-20” proposal, whose goal is to position the national cuisine within the country’s cultural fabric. The event, held at Atracciones del Lago, which is located on Ave. Anacaona, was … Continue reading "Culture and Sabores Dominicanos Launch the “Gastronomía RD20-20” Proposal"
GFDD launches its latest publication “lo dominicano / all things dominican” New York, February 25, 2016 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) / FUNGLODE presented this Wednesday February 24th at 809 Sangria Bar & Grill in New York City its latest publication, LO DOMINICANO / ALL THINGS DOMINICAN. A book that compiles 5 years … Continue reading "GFDD launches its latest publication “lo dominicano / all things dominican”"
Leaders of the Telecommunications Sector Explain to Foreign Experts the Current State of Cyber Security in the DR New York, February 25, 2016 The current situation in the area of cyber security in the Dominican Republic was discussed with international experts from leading telecommunications companies and internet service providers, among other public and private organizations, … Continue reading "Leaders of the Telecommunications Sector Explain to Foreign Experts the Current State of Cyber Security in the DR"
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Ministry of Culture Inaugurates the XIV National Fair of Crafts Santo Domingo, February 11, 2016 The Ministry of Culture will inaugurate this Thursday the XIV National Fair of Crafts (FENART for its acronym in Spanish), that will take place from the 11th to the 14th of February, in the Fortress of Santo Domingo, from 9am … Continue reading "Ministry of Culture Inaugurates the XIV National Fair of Crafts"
Cultural gathering in New York: the Rhythm of Love and Friendship Performance: Music, Strokes, and Poetry New York, February 9, 2016 Books, lectures, inspirational phrases and publications concerning the life and work of patrician Juan Pablo Duarte are available for all audiences in a new web portal presented by the Vice President of the Republic, … Continue reading "Cultural gathering in New York: the Rhythm of Love and Friendship Performance: Music, Strokes, and Poetry"
“Vibrating in Love”, an Invitation to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Santo Domingo, February 5, 2016 Books, lectures, inspirational phrases and publications concerning the life and work of patrician Juan Pablo Duarte are available for all audiences in a new web portal presented by the Vice President of the Republic, Dr. Margarita Cedeño, with the aim of … Continue reading "“Vibrating in Love”, an Invitation to Celebrate Valentine’s Day"
“Vibrating in Love”, an Invitation to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Santo Domingo, February 5, 2016 As part of the closing of the exhibition “Vibration 7.8” by artist Actúan Rodríguez, the Ministry of Culture, through the Museum of Modern Art offers a guided visit and discussion titled “Vibrating in Love” Thursday, February 11, at 7pm in the … Continue reading "“Vibrating in Love”, an Invitation to Celebrate Valentine’s Day"
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