(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
From Spain, Nani the Magician, at the Guloya Theater Santo Domingo, December 2 2015 The Guloya Theatre has the opportunity to host, directly from Spain, Nani the Magician, an illusionist who specializes in stage magic and close-up magic. Two performances of his show “Alehop Hop” have been scheduled for the entire family on Sunday, December … Continue reading "From Spain, Nani the Magician, at the Guloya Theater"
“Santa Teresa y Otras Historias” an Internationally Recognized Dominican Experimental Film Santo Domingo, December 1 2015 With the film “Santa Teresa y Otras Historias” (Santa Teresa and Other Stories) (2015), Dominican filmmaker Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias has created an abstract essay that has received international recognition. It explores the relationship between fiction, devotion … Continue reading "”Santa Teresa y Otras Historias” an Internationally Recognized Dominican Experimental Film"
CNN Speaks About the Bonye Group and Says that It Keeps the Traditional Music Alive in the Dominican Republic New York, November 30 2015 The prestigious international news network CNN, through its correspondent in the country, informed that the Bonye Group keeps the traditional music alive in the Dominican Republic. CNN said that there is … Continue reading "CNN Speaks About the Bonye Group and Says that It Keeps the Traditional Music Alive in the Dominican Republic"
The Silve Quisqueya Network Organized a National Forum on Volunteering and the SDGs Santo Domingo, November 27 2015 Red Silve Quisqueya (the Silve Quisqueya Network) organized a National Forum on Volunteering and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The forum was aimed at fostering a dialogue between the public sector, the private sector and civil society … Continue reading "The Silve Quisqueya Network Organized a National Forum on Volunteering and the SDGs"
ASHONORTE Will Hold the Third Edition of the Puerto Plata Golf Classice Puerto Plata, November 26 2015 The Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurantes y Empresas Turísticas de la Zona Norte (ASHONORTE) will hold the third edition of the Puerto Plata Golf Classic tournament, which will take place at the Playa Dorada golf course in Puerto Plata, … Continue reading "ASHONORTE Will Hold the Third Edition of the Puerto Plata Golf Classice"
Dominican Art, a Success at the Cervantes Institute Madrid, Spain, November 26 2015 The Foundation for Cultural Heritage of the General Directorate of Customs (DGA), in collaboration with the Cervantes Institute and the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Madrid, Spain, presented the exhibit “Modernidad y Contemporaneidad en el Arte Dominicano: Obras de la Colección … Continue reading "Dominican Art, a Success at the Cervantes Institute"
American Institutions Donate Clothes, Shoes and Medicine to Children of La Higuera in El Seybo El Seybo, November 25 2015 Under the slogan UNA VF: “Hay más alegría en dar, que en recibir,” several American institutions made donations of clothes, shoes, medicines, and medical assistance to the bateys residents of the La Higuera community in … Continue reading "American Institutions Donate Clothes, Shoes and Medicine to Children of La Higuera in El Seybo"
Free Zones Generate 10% of Foreign Investment Santo Domingo, November 25 2015 The free zones generated 10.2% of foreign investment; the value of their exports, including services, was US$5,589 million, which is equivalent to 56 percent of the total national exports, and they generate 276,000 direct and indirect jobs. This data was provided in a … Continue reading "Free Zones Generate 10% of Foreign Investment"
Madrid will be the Main Venue for Grito de Mujer 2016 Santo Domingo, November 23 2015 The Women Poets International (MPI) Inc. Movement, home of the renowned Woman Scream International Poetry Festival since 2011, based in the Dominican Republic, reported that Madrid, Spain, will be the next official venue for the opening of the festival. … Continue reading "Madrid will be the Main Venue for Grito de Mujer 2016"
The Dominican National Folkloric Ballet will Offer a Concert Dedicated to “Tributo a lo Popular” and “Una Leyenda” Santo Domingo, November 20 2015 The Dominican National Folkloric Ballet, with support from the Ministry of Culture (MINC), will offer a concert dedicated to “Tributo a lo Popular” and “Una Leyenda”, on Sunday, November 29, and on … Continue reading "The Dominican National Folkloric Ballet will Offer a Concert Dedicated to “Tributo a lo Popular” and “Una Leyenda”"
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