(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
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Agreement for the Preservation of the Dominican Audiovisual Heritage is Signed Santo Domingo, November 5 2015 The General Directorate of Film, through its agency, the Dominican Film Library, welcomed the signing of the Agreement for the Preservation of the Dominican Audiovisual Heritage, which took place on Wednesday, November 4, at the closing ceremony of the … Continue reading "Agreement for the Preservation of the Dominican Audiovisual Heritage is Signed"
José Pelletier’s “Rostros” at Ossaye Casa de Arte Santo Domingo, November 4 2015 LLast Friday, October 30, art critics Marianne de Tolentino, Amable López Meléndez and Abil Peralta Agüero participated in the panel “Tribute to Ramón Oviedo”, organized by the Ministry of Culture in coordination with the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) and the Organizing … Continue reading "José Pelletier’s “Rostros” at Ossaye Casa de Arte"
Tribute to Ramón Oviedo at the 28th National Biennial of Visual Arts 2015 Santo Domingo, November 3 2015 LLast Friday, October 30, art critics Marianne de Tolentino, Amable López Meléndez and Abil Peralta Agüero participated in the panel “Tribute to Ramón Oviedo”, organized by the Ministry of Culture in coordination with the Museum of Modern … Continue reading "Tribute to Ramón Oviedo at the 28th National Biennial of Visual Arts 2015"
Santillana Presents the Children’s Book Cuentos sin ningún porqué By Yuan Fuei Liao Santo Domingo, November 2 2015 Editorial Santillana and newcomer children book author Yuan Fuei Liao, launched his first book “Cuentos sin ningún porqué,” aimed at children aged eight years and above, in the Pedro Mir Forum of the Cuesta book store. Journalist … Continue reading "Santillana Presents the Children’s Book Cuentos sin ningún porqué By Yuan Fuei Liao"
Puerto Plata Had an Outstanding Participation in the 2015 SITV Montreal Santo Domingo, October 30 2015 The Puerto Plata tourist destination had an outstanding participation in the recently concluded Salon International Tourisme Voyages (SITV), which took place from October 23 to October25 in the city of Montreal, Canada. The North Coast hotel representation consisted of … Continue reading "Puerto Plata Had an Outstanding Participation in the 2015 SITV Montreal"
The Ministry of Culture and the Dominican National Commission for UNESCO will open the “Enriquillo Lake” Film Forum Santo Domingo, October 27 2015 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) and the Dominican National Commission for UNESCO (CNDU for its acronym in Spanish), will host the Forum “Enriquillo Lake, a prelude to climate change” Film Forum, aimed … Continue reading "The Ministry of Culture and the Dominican National Commission for UNESCO will open the “Enriquillo Lake” Film Forum"
The Dominican Film Library Joins the Celebration of the “World Audiovisual Heritage Day” Santo Domingo, October 26 2015 Moviegoers around the world prepare to join the film libraries and film archives of various countries in celebration of the “World Audiovisual Heritage Day.” The celebration takes place on October 27. The General Directorate of Film, through … Continue reading "The Dominican Film Library Joins the Celebration of the “World Audiovisual Heritage Day”"
Second Dominican History Book Fair Santo Domingo, October 23 2015 The Nation’s General Archive (AGN for its acronym in Spanich) announced the second Dominican History Book Fair, which will be held from October 26 to October 31. It will include various activities and will take place at the institution, and it will be dedicated to … Continue reading "Second Dominican History Book Fair"
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