(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
Elsa Núñez Was Presented the National Visual Arts Award 2014 Santo Domingo, July 20 2015 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) presented the National Visual Arts Award corresponding to 2014 to visual artist Elsa Núñez, for being an emblematic example of modernity, and for having an outstanding production and significant international experience. The ceremony was held … Continue reading "Elsa Núñez Was Presented the National Visual Arts Award 2014"
Culture Will Offer a Concert to Mark the Anniversary of the Birth of Dominican Maestro and Composer Juan Lockward Santo Domingo, July 21 2015 The Ministry of Culture (MINC) will offer an unforgettable concert in posthumous tribute to Dominican composer and musician Juan Lockward. The concert is scheduled for July 24 at 7:00 pm, in … Continue reading "Culture Will Offer a Concert to Mark the Anniversary of the Birth of Dominican Maestro and Composer Juan Lockward"
The Indotel Cultural Center Presents “Friday Live” Sosúa, Puerto Plata, July 9, 2015 Historical figures of the national and international communications are will come to life during the “Friday Live,” a celebration of the telecommunications’ memory and identity, to mark the fourth anniversary of the Telecommunications Cultural Center (CCT) of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications … Continue reading "The Indotel Cultural Center Presents “Friday Live”"
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Culture Ministry to Launch Third National Call for Cultural Projects Sosúa, Puerto Plata, July 9, 2015 The Ministry of Culture (MINC in Spanish) announced that this coming Tuesday July 14th will be the launch of the Third National Call for Cultural Projects, 2015. The ceremony for the opening of the Third National Call for Cultural … Continue reading "Culture Ministry to Launch Third National Call for Cultural Projects"
Second Day of Cleaning Up Sosua’s Coral & Diving Areas Sosúa, Puerto Plata, July 9, 2015 The diving schools of Sosúa joined together in their second day of cleaning up the dive sites along Sosúa Beach, as part of an initiative recommended by Canadian diver, Bill Passmore. The first Monday of each month, participating groups … Continue reading "Second Day of Cleaning Up Sosua’s Coral & Diving Areas"
Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo are being Promoted in Mexico as MICE, Gastronomical and Cultural Tourist Destinations Puerto Plata, July 8, 2015 The Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, through its Tourism Promotion Office (OPT in Spanish) in Mexico along with the Detouroper Wholesale Tour Operator, conducted MICE seminars and a gastronomic and cultural … Continue reading "Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo are being Promoted in Mexico as MICE, Gastronomical and Cultural Tourist Destinations"
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A Collective Impulse: Spanish Film for Modern Times Santo Domingo, July 6, 2015 Between July 7 and 24, 2015, nine new films will be shown at the Spanish Cultural Center under the name, A Collective Impulse, a film cycle commissioned by movie critic Carlos Losilla, with collaboration of the SGAE Foundation that was part of … Continue reading "A Collective Impulse: Spanish Film for Modern Times"
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